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A professional organization for the marine electrician

Are you a marine electrician, technician or engineer? Looking for a body that represents your special skills? This is an organization for the marine electrical and electronics professional

The Institute of Marine Electrical Engineers (IMEE)

An organization for the marine electrical and electronics professional.


• To develop and further the professional recognition of persons working as marine electricians, technicians and engineers in all areas of the recreational marine, commercial maritime and offshore oil industries.

• To develop and define standards for technical qualifications, competence and training for persons working as marine electricians, technicians and engineers.

• To define Technical Standards and Recommendations for marine electricians, technicians and engineers, boatowners and other interested persons.

• To provide a forum for professional communications between marine electricians, technicians and engineers and other interested parties.

• To provide a source of technical advice for members and other interested persons.

• To provide a source for listing employment opportunities for members, and those seeking marine electrical and electronics professionals.

• To provide client and consumer information for marine electricians, technicians and engineers and their clients.

• To define a Code of Ethics for marine electricians, technicians and engineers, their clients and employers.

Membership Grades

Membership grades are based on an applicant’s verifiable standard of relevant technical education, training, competence and experience.

Member Grade

On acceptance of an application for membership, a member shall be entitled to use the letters MIMEE after their name.

Fellow Grade

Fellowship status may be inferred on those who have demonstrated achievement within the industry and made a significant contribution to the aims of the Institute. Applicants will also have been a member of the institute for a period exceeding 3 years and submit a technical paper for publication within the IMEE newsletter and website. On acceptance of an application for fellowship, a fellow shall be entitled to use the letters FIMEE after their name.

CLASS 1. COMMERCIAL MARITIME and OFFSHORE This membership grade is for people employed within the offshore oil and gas industry and the commercial shipping industry.

Class 1A - Unrestricted all offshore installations and vessel types

Class 1B - DP Endorsement

Class 1C - Drilling Endorsement

Class 1D - Hazardous Cargo Vessels (Crude Oil, Products and Chemical Tankers, LNG, LPG Carriers etc)

Class 1E - General Shipping (Container, RoRo, Ferries, Cruise Ships, Bulk, General, Refrigerated Cargo, etc)

Class 1F - Vessel Construction (Shipyard all vessel and rig types etc)

Class 1G - Defense Forces (Navy, Coast Guard, Customs, Police etc)

Class 1P - Provisional Membership. The letter P will be suffixed to the appropriate classification where full membership criteria has not been met and where the person is employed within the industry sector


Class 1A

This classification requires evidence of national AC electrical qualifications and/or relevant license and a minimum of 5 years offshore experience. This also requires verifiable evidence of safety training in High Voltage Systems and Hazardous Area electrical systems.

Class 1B

This classification requires evidence of national AC electrical qualifications and/or relevant license and a minimum of 3 years offshore time, with at least 12 months on DP vessels. It also requires evidence of completion of acceptable marine electrical or relevant technical training. This also requires verifiable evidence of DP experience (i.e. DP log book) and safety training in High Voltage Systems.

Class 1C

This classification requires evidence of national AC electrical qualifications and/or relevant license and a minimum of 3 years offshore experience on an offshore drilling installation (jack-up, drill ship, semi-submersible, platform rig, TLP etc). It also requires evidence of completion of acceptable marine electrical or technical training, and verifiable evidence of SCR or AC Drives training.

Class 1D

This classification requires evidence of national AC electrical qualifications and/or relevant license and a minimum of 24 months sea time. This also requires completion of training in Hazardous Area electrical systems. Requires verifiable evidence of sea time (i.e. discharge book or certificates)

Class 1E

This classification requires evidence of national AC electrical qualifications and/or relevant license and a minimum of 24 months sea time It also requires evidence of completion of acceptable marine electrical or technical training. Requires verifiable evidence of sea time (i.e. discharge book or certificates)

Class 1F

This classification is for those employed in design and construction of commercial ships and offshore oil installations. It requires evidence of formal qualifications and both current and previous relevant employment. This classification requires a minimum of 5 years verifiable experience.

Class 1G

This classification is for those currently serving within a Navy, Coast Guard, Customs, Fisheries Protection, Fleet Auxiliary, Police or other governmental enforcement or protection agency.

Surveyor Endorsement (S)

This endorsement will be given to persons of each category engaged in survey work or employment. Surveyors will hold all relevant technical qualifications, and ideally have completed relevant surveyor training course.

Class P – Provisional

This classification requires evidence of completion of acceptable marine electrical or technical training, and engaged in employment within one of the industry sector classifications and who have not attained the required sea time or other membership criteria.

Class 2. Recreational Boating - Unrestricted AC and DC Systems - for people employed within the recreational boating industry installing and servicing DC electrical systems and suitable qualified to work on AC power systems. Class 2A Unrestricted for all recreational vessel types, sail and power Class 2P Provisional

Class 2A

This classification requires evidence of national AC qualifications and/or relevant license and a minimum of 1 year experience.

Class 2P

This classification requires evidence of completion of acceptable marine electrical or technical training for AC and DC systems, and not having attained the required membership criteria.

Class 3. Recreational Boating - DC Systems - for people employed within the recreational boating industry installing and servicing DC electrical systems

Class 3A

Unrestricted for DC systems on all vessel types, sail and power

Class 3P Provisional

Class 3A

This classification requires evidence of completion of acceptable marine electrical or technical training for DC systems and a minimum of 1 year experience, and evidence supported by employers

Class 3P

This classification requires evidence of completion of acceptable marine electrical or technical training for DC systems on boats, and not having attained the required membership criteria.

Corporate Membership

For companies providing services or manufacturing marine electrical and electronics equipment

This classification is open to all corporate organizations manufacturing or providing marine electrical and electronic services in the pleasure boat, and commercial marine areas, or employing marine electricians.

Copyright © 2000-2004 John C. Payne. All rights reserved.

Train to be a marine electrician, upgrade your skills and help reduce the skill shortage

IMEE Application Form
Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.
First Name*
Last Name*
E-mail Address*
Web Site URL
Street Address
Zip/Postal Code
Business Phone*
Cell Phone
DC Qualified Yes or No*
AC Qualified Yes or No*
Endorsements (ABYC/Manufacturer/CMET)
Other Qualifications/Education
Grade Applied For