Embassy of Ukraine Embajada de Ukrania en la Republica Argentina Calle Lafinur 3057 (1425) Buenos Aires, tel: (54-1) 802 73 16 fax: 802 38 64 e-mail:
Embassy of Ukraine Level 12, 60 Marcus Clarke Street, Canberra GPO BOX 1567, Canberra, ACT, 2601 tel: (612) 6230 7940 fax: (612) 6230 7298 e-mail:
Embassy of Ukraine Botschaft der Ukraine in der Republik Osterreich Naaffgasse 23, 1180 Wien tel: (43-1) 479 71 72 fax: 479 71 72 47 e-mail:
Permanent Mission of Ukraine to the International Organizations Erzherzog Karlstrasse 1821220 Wien tel: (43-1) 479 71 72 fax: 479 71 72 47
Embassy of Ukraine Ambassade d’Ukraine a Bruxelles Av. L. Lepoutre, 99-101 1060 Bruxelles tel: (32-2) 344 40 20 fax: 344 44 66 e-mail:
Mission of Ukraine to the European Union 7, Guimard str. 1040 Brussels tel: (32-2) 511 46 09 fax: 512 40 45 e-mail:
Embassy of Ukraine SHIS, QL-06, Conjunto-02 Casa-17, CEP 7162-025 Brasilia, DF, Brasil tel: (55-61) 365 14 57 fax: 365 38 98 e-mail:
Consulate General of Ukraine in Curitiba Rua Marechal Deodoro, 869, 15 andar, sala 1501, 80-060-010 Curitiba, Pr, Brasil tel/fax (55-41) 222-77-73 e-mail:
Embassy of Ukraine 310 rue Somerset St., West, Ottawa, Ontario, K2P 0J9 tel: (1-613) 230 2961 fax: 230 2400 e-mail:
Consulate General of Ukraine in Toronto 2120 Bloor Street West, Toronto, Ontario, M6S IM8, tel: (1-416) 763 31 14 fax: 763 23 23
Embassy of Ukraine Toldbodgade 37A, 1 sal, DK - 1253K, Kopenhagen tel: (45) 33 16 16 35 fax: 33 16 00 74 e-mail:
Embassy of Ukraine Vahaniityntie 9, Kulosaari,00570, Helsinki tel: (358-0) 22 89 000 fax: 22 89 001
Embassy of Ukraine 21, avenue de Saxe,75007 Paris tel: (33-1) 43 06 07 37 fax: 43 06 02 94
Permanent Mission of Ukraine to the UNESCO 1 rue Miollis, 75732 Paris Cedex 15 tel: (33-1) 45-68-2660 fax: 45-68-2661
Permanent Mission of Ukraine to the European Council 30, boulevard de l’Orangerie 67000 Strasbourg tel: (33) 88 61 44 51 tel/fax: 88 60 01 78
Embassy of Ukraine Rheinhohenweg 101, 53424 Remagen-Oberwinter tel: (49-2228) 94 18 60 fax: 94 18 63
Berlin Office of the Embassy of Ukraine Kurfurstenstrasse 56 10758 Berlin tel: (49-30) 261 41 01 fax: 261 41 77 e-mail:
Consulate General of Ukraine Oskar-von-Miller-Ring 33D-8033 Munchen tel: (49-89) 28 20 64 fax: 28 13 17
Embassy of Ukraine 176, Jorbagh, New Delhi - 110 003 tel: (91-11) 461 60 17 fax: 461 60 85
Embassy of Ukraine Simprug Permata 1, # 39 Jakarta, Selatan 12220 tel: (62-21) 720-5356 fax: 726-6969
Embassy of Ukraine via Guido d’Arezzo, 9 00198 Roma tel: (39-6) 841 26 30 fax: 854 75 39
Embassy of Ukraine 6-5-26, Kita-Shinagawa, Shinagawa-ku,Tokyo-141 tel: (81-3) 3445 9229 fax: 3447 6768
People's Republic of China
Embassy of Ukraine China, Beijing, 100600 San Li Tun, Dong 6 Jie No.11 tel: (86-10) 6532 63 59 6532 40 13 fax: 6532 67 65 e-mail:
South Africa
Embassy of Ukraine 398, Marais Street,Pretoria Brooklyn 0181 tel: (27-12) 46 19 43, 46 fax: 46 19 44
Embassy of Ukraine c/Serrano, 6, 10 -3, Madrid, 28001 tel: (34-91) 561-2440 fax: 563-1257
Embassy of Ukraine Markvargsgatan, 511353 Stockholm tel: (46-8) 612 75 66 fax: 15 79 42
Embassy of Ukraine Feldeggweg 5,3005 Bern tel: (41-31) 352 23 16 fax: 351 64 16 e-mail:
Permanent Mission of Ukraine to the United Nations Office and other international organizations 15, avenue de la PaixCase postale 771211 Geneve 20 tel: (41-22) 740 32 70 fax/tel: 734 38 01
United Arab Emirates
Embassy of Ukraine Abu-Dhabi, U.A.E. P.O. Box: 45714 tel. (971-2)32 75 86 fax. 32 75 06
United Kingdom
Embassy of Ukraine 78 Kensington Park Road, London W11 2 PL tel: (44-171) 727 63 12 fax: 792 17 08
United States of America
Embassy of Ukraine 33350 M Str. NW, Washington DC, 20007 tel. (202)333 - 06-06 fax. 3330817 e-mail:
Consulate General of Ukraine in New York 240 East 49th Street New York, NY 10017 tel: (1-212) 371 56 90 fax: 371 55 47
Consulate General of Ukraine in Chicago 10 East Huron Street Chicago, IL 60611 tel: (1-312) 642 43 87, 88 fax: 642 43 85
Permanent Mission of Ukraine to the United Nations 220 East 51 Street, New York, N.Y. 10022 tel: (1-212) 759 70 03 fax: 355 94 55