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Weight Loss
Diet Types
Mayo Clinic Diet
Adkins Diet Atkins Diet
Blood Type Diet Blood Type Diet
Cabbage Soup Diet Cabbage Soup Diet
Grapefruit Grapefruit Diet
SlimFast Diet Slim Fast
Weight Watchers Weight Watchers
Subway Diet Subway Diet
Hollywood Diet Hollywood Diet
Hay Diet Hay Diet
Mayo Clinic Diet Mayo Clinic Diet
Scarsdale Diet Scarsdale Diet
Sugar Busters Sugar Busters
Protein Power Protein Power
Zone Diet Zone Diet
Beverly Hills Diet Beverly Hills Diet
Sommersizing Suzanne Somers
Fit for Life Fit For Life
Pritikin Diet Pritikin
South Beach Diet South Beach Diet
Hip and Thigh Diet Hip and Thigh Diet
Basics of Nutrition Basics of Nutrition
Proteins Proteins
Fats Fats
Carbohydrates Carbohydrates
Vitamins and Minerals Vitamins and Minerals

Mayo Clinic Diet information

The Mayo Clinic Diet is a high fat low carbohydrate diet that is in no way related to the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota USA the Mayo clinic website states 'We can offer you clear and official advice: don't believe any of these diets. They did not originate at Mayo Clinic and are not approved by Mayo Clinic. These diets may promote temporary quick weight loss. However, they are not nutritionally balanced or a safe method of weight loss for long-term success. Such diets can be dangerous for some individuals.'The Mayo Clinic Diet is available in many forms but most talk about the fat burning qualities of grapefruit. The diet allows as much grapefruit, meat and high fat foods as you can eat to control hunger but not much else. The Mayo Clinic diet completely eliminates all sugars and starches from the diet, and limits caffeine intake. It also advocates that grapefruit, salad and bacon should be part of each diet.

Mayo Clinic Diet : Reasons For

  • No portion control
  • Can eat as much as you like

Mayo Clinic Diet : Reasons against

  • Grapefruit does not burn fat and eating lots of fat doesn't help you lose weight
  • Limited carbohydrates can cause weakness
  • Eating foods associated with heart disease is encouraged
  • Diet doesn't contain some required vitamins and minerals

Mayo Clinic Diet : Verdict

The Mayo clinic Diet is a perfect example of a fad diet that uses a famous name to promote a useless product. This diet will not help you loss weight and encourages overeating of unhealthy foods. Both I and the real Mayo Clinic would not recommend it.

Below is one such example of a Mayo Clinic Diet.

1/2 grapefruit
2 eggs any style
2 slices of bacon

1/2 grapefruit
Salad with any dressing
Meat any style and any amount.

1/2 grapefruit
Salad with any dressing OR a red or green vegetable cooked in butter or spices.
Meat or even Fish any style cooked any way.

Before Bed:
8oz. glass of tomato juice or 8 oz cup of skim milk.

Everything in the diet is a minimum amount you should eat and each meal you should eat until full. At least eight glasses a day of water should drunk while following this diet.

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