Are you suffering from constipation or do you
want to experience the benefits of colon cleansing?
Introducing OXY-POWDER, the oxygen colon cleansing product. Oxy-Powder is
the most advanced, scientifically correct colon cleanser there is. It does
not just sweep the symptoms under the rug, it goes right after the real
cause of constipation. It is the same product being used for optimal colon
health and oxygen cleansing by the Hollywood stars.
Feeling good is the normal state. Feeling
sluggish, out of energy, or depressed and bloated is not normal. Because
OXY-POWDER attacks the source of your constipation, you will have
effectively reduced the symptoms of bowel disease and have regular bowel
movements. Throw away the uncomfortable enemas and stop taking dangerous
Oxygen Colon Cleansing Formula.
Oxy-Powder is a full intestinal cleanser which has been formulated to
promote a healthy bowel, fight constipation, melt away and oxidize
compaction, and provide oxygen to the intestinal tract and bloodstream.
Here For Oxy Powder Testimonials
Bottle Size: |
vegetarian capsules |
1 bottle Oxy Powder
It Now
2 bottles Oxy Powder $72.40
It Now
3 bottles Oxy Powder$104.85
It Now
12 bottles Oxy Powder $360.00 Buy
It Now
OXY-POWDER is unlike other colon cleansers.
It uses a proprietary process of creating oxides of magnesium. The 15 to
20 pounds of compacted fecal matter inside your colon is liquefied and
flushed out. While psyllium and other fiber products simply scrape matter
out through the center of a clogged colon, Oxy-Powder removes old,
impacted fecal matter as it detoxifies and cleans the entire colon. By
using Oxy-Powder you can melt away the compaction in the small intestine,
large intestine, and colon, safe and effectively.
Oxy Powder Ingredients:
Ingredients: per serving size 5
* Complex Magnesium compound 3,425mg
* Organic Germanium-132 27.5mg
* Natural Citric Acid 125mg
* vegetarian capsule
For Maintenance:
For maintenance, use the dosage from your 7-DAY
cleanse that allowed you to have 3-5 bowel movements daily. Take the
dosage every other day. Oxy-Powder can be used indefinitely.
Supplement Facts:
will cause watery, gaseous stools. This is not diarrhea; this is the
byproduct of waste. Remember we are turning a solid into a liquid or
gas. It is advised to drink at least one gallon of distilled or
purified water daily while taking the Oxy-Powder even though there has
never been a documented case of dehydration or electrolyte imbalances.
Dosage & Usage Information:
Oxy-Powder is sold in bottles of 120
For first time Oxy-Powder
users we recommend starting with a seven day initial cleanse. After the
initial cleanse, continue with a maintenance dose to keep your intestinal
tract clean and to deliver oxygen into your system. While taking
Oxy-Powder make sure you drink plenty of purified water during the day and
try to eat a healthy diet. The exact number of capsules to take will vary
depending on your weight, previous dietary habits, exercise patterns, and
stress levels.
For the Seven Day Initial
Oxy-Powder Cleanse
You will want to start
slowly and gradually progress with the dosage. Begin with 4 capsules the
first night before bed. Continue to take 2 additional capsules every night
before bed until you achieve at least 3 bowel movements the following day.
The dosage which will allow you to have 3-5 bowel movements per day will
be your dosage for the rest of the 7-day cleanse.
For Maintenance
For your maintenance, use
the same dosage from your 7-day cleanse that allowed you to have 3-5 bowel
movements daily. Take this dosage every other day. It is recommended to
use Oxy-Powder continually.
This product causes watery and gaseous stools which could cause you to
feel the urge to pass gas. If you are not able to control your bowels,
please be careful when using this product. We recommend that during the
7-day cleanse you have close availability to a bathroom. Oxy-Powder will
cause watery, gaseous stools. This is not diarrhea; this is the by-product
of oxidation. Remember we are turning a solid into a liquid or gas. To
help the cleansing process, it is advised to drink at least one gallon of
distilled or purified water daily while taking the Oxy-Powder.
* These statements are based upon patient
results, clinical observation, and customer feedback.
What is Oxy-Powder
Oxy-Powder is a full intestinal cleanser
which has been formulated to melt away and oxidize compaction in the bowel
and provide oxygen to the intestinal tract and bloodstream. Oxy-Powder
doesnt just clean out the colon, it cleans the colon, small intestine,
and large intestineall without the side effects of laxatives or psyllium
based cleansers. While psyllium and other fiber products simply scrape
matter out through the center of a clogged colon, Oxy-Powder removes old,
impacted fecal matter as it detoxifies and cleans the entire intestinal
- Is a high quality oxygen based colon
- Is a natural method of getting rid of
- Aids in cleansing & oxygenating both
small & large intestine
- Aids in removing unwanted waste matter &
extra weight
- Promotes optimal colon health
- Is a perfect start to any new diet plan
- Helps promote friendly intestinal flora
- Is the oxygen therapy cleanser the
Hollywood Stars use
- Has no side effects like laxatives
- Comes in easy to take vegetarian
Are you suffering from
The human body is designed to have 2-4
bowel movements per day. If your bowels are not moving properly, you may
be suffering from constipation. Oxy-Powder effectively fights constipation
by introducing nascent oxygen into the intestinal tract, oxidizing and
melting away the 10-20 pounds of compacted fecal matter in your colon
safely and effectively. Because Oxy-Powder attacks the source of your
constipation, you will have natural and regular bowel movements.
The colons main function is the
reabsorption of nutrients and water into our bodies and the elimination of
toxic wastes through regular bowel movements. When the bowel is impacted,
however, problems arise such as constipation, hemorrhoids, ulcerative
colitis and colon cancer. Common symptoms resulting from accumulated
toxins in the bowel can include headaches, bad breath, allergy symptoms,
PMS, fatigue, depression, irritability, bloating, and frequent infections.
By using Oxy-Powder to maintain a healthy colon and rid the colon of
toxins, many of these can be prevented.
The benefits of Oxy-Powder:
- Oxy-Powder's effect on the body helps to
loosen intestinal build up which aids in the release of unwanted waste
materials and toxic substances that may be present. A build up of
intestinal waste may cause an overgrowth of harmful bacteria and yeast,
which thrive in a toxic environment.
- Oxy-Powders slow release of mono-atomic
oxygen creates an inhospitable environment for harmful bacteria and
other toxic matter. Oxy-Powder does not affect the friendly bacteria
which are needed for proper digestive and intestinal health, however.
Stop using enemas, going to expensive
hydrotherapy sessions, or risking the side effects of laxatives or only
partially effective psyllium/herbal products. Use the colon cleansing and
constipation treatment designed to fully clean the colon. OxyPowder.