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Boating Course Syllabus and Enrollment

Welcome to the online Marine Electrical School for boating with details of course modules and enrollment.


1. A common question. There are actually no accreditation bodies to accredit these and other courses anywhere in the world.

2. There are no formal Marine Electrical and Electronics Courses available any where in the world, except here.

3. There are no formal requirements for performing DC electrical work on boats anywhere in the world. Some organisations such as NMEA and ABYC have accreditation based on understanding of their respective recommendations. Some equipment manufacturers such as Raymarine offer various certification schemes for their equipment.

The purpose of these course modules is to provide a good broad background knowledge for those planning a career or business in the pleasure boating and marine industry, or for those wanting to expand the skills and knowledge.

If you are planning to go into the boating business, any success in the marine industry will result from carrying out work for clients to a high standard and building a reputation for reliability and competence. It should be noted that local and national laws may prevent the carrying out of AC electrical work unless suitably AC qualified to national standards, and you should check the specific legal and insurance requirements in your own location.


The principal aim of the course is to develop basic core competencies in all areas of boating electrical and electronics. This requires a multi-disciplined approach with the development of knowledge in marine engineering, basic navigation and seamanship to maintain both context and relevance.


Special Courses in Marine Electrics and Electronics

Module 401 - Basic Marine Electrics and Electronics for Fishermen

Module 402 - Electrics for RV's and Motorhomes (TBA)

Certificate in Basic Marine Electrical and Electronics

Module 101 - Batteries and Charging Systems

Module 102 - Boat Wiring Systems

Module 103 - Engines, Electrical and Control Systems

Module 104 - Corrosion and Lightning Protection

Module 105 - DC Equipment and Lighting Systems

Module 106 - Marine Electronics

Module 107 - Communications and GMDSS

Module 108 - Water, Sewage and Pumping Systems

Module 109 - Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Systems

Module 110 - Generators, Inverters and AC Power Systems


A completion Certificate will be awarded to all persons completing subject course modules and who attain or exceed 70% mark on course work. A 70% pass is awarded a Pass Grade; 80% pass is a Credit Grade, and 90% pass for a Distinction Grade.

Certificate in Basic Marine Electrical and Electronics

The Certificate will be awarded on completion of subjects 101 to 110. Coursework Makes up 60% of mark, and examination makes up 40%. A 70% pass is awarded a Pass Grade; 80% pass is a Credit Grade, and 90% pass for a Distinction Grade.


The standard text books and references used for the course is the Motorboat Electrical and Electronics Manual and The Marine Electrical School Course Notes on the e-learning web site.


Each module will consist of quizzes and assignment questions and one project level question that is to assess overall understanding of the coursework. All quizzes and assignments will be assessed and graded. All assignments should be completed in MS Word, and returned as an attached file. Students have free access to the tutor for questions, queries and tuition at all times and are encouraged to utilize this service.

Time Limits Many students are busy and have jobs and families to cope with. There is no time limit to start or complete the course


1. Complete your enrollment form. Privacy Statement: We respect your privacy. The information given is intended only for enrollment purposes and will not be disclosed to any Third Party

2. Make your payment using PayPal. Course Modules Costs are €70, $60, £40 You may pay for each subject as required. Persons completing 9 will receive the 10th Module Free.

3. After enrollment and payment you will receive your course details and a Student Number. All Marine Electrical School Course Module Lesson Units will be run through the online Blackboard e-Learning System. Log on to or click on button below. Create your own personal Blackboard account for use with all course lesson units.


Enter the following details when using PayPal

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Amount: (Euros, Dollars or Pounds)

Subject: Service

Note: Enter the Subject Number and Course Name

On completion of enrollment AND payment, please send a confirmation email to John Payne at You will usually receive a formal response within 24 hours with details of your course student information and e-learning site passwords.


These courses are specifically designed for special interest groups, and equipment specific systems, such as fishing, boating engines or electronics. Courses will be developed subject to demand.

Module 401 - Basic Marine Electrics and Electronics for Fishermen

This course is specifically for Bass, Walleye, Trout and other fishermen using small boating and trailerboats in rivers, lakes, estuaries, bays and inshore areas. It is designed to help fishermen understand basic boat systems. At the completion of this module you will understand basic batteries (Lead Acid, AGM, Gel); battery charging principles; outboard engine electric systems; trolling motors and control systems; and basic electric circuits (wiring, running lights, bilge and bait pumps). You will also understand basic electronics equipment such as fishfinders, GPS and VHF and how to perform basic maintenance and troubleshooting on all of the systems.


This course is specifically designed for all those using sail and motorboats. The average boat now has many complex systems installed and it is important to understand how they should be installed, maintained and operated. It is also important to understand basic troubleshooting and how to diagnose faults. Electrical systems must always be looked in context with the system they power and development of overall systems knowledge is maintained within the course.

Module 101 - Batteries and Charging Systems

At the completion of this subject you will understand the theories of the various battery types (Lead Acid, AGM, Gel, NiCad); battery charging principles and charging configurations; How alternators and regulators operate, and the principles of Smart regulators; How mains chargers work; How solar, wind and water charging systems work and can be installed on boats and how to perform basic maintenance and troubleshooting on all of the systems.

Module 102 - Boat Wiring Systems

At the completion of this subject you will understand the application of Wiring Rules and Recommendations(ABYC, ISO, Lloyds); Basic electrical theory and the use of test instruments; How to plan electrical systems, perform load calculations, select cables, calculate voltage drop; select the required protection systems (fuses and circuit breakers). You will understand wiring installation practices, panels and switchboards, metering and grounding, and how to perform basic maintenance and troubleshooting on all of the systems.

Module 103 - Engines, Electrical and Control Systems

At the completion of this subject you will understand basic diesel engines and systems, Electronic engine control systems, engine starting systems, engine instrumentation, pre-heating systems, basic ignition systems, outboard engines and charging systems and how to perform basic maintenance and troubleshooting on all of the systems.

Module 104 - Corrosion and Lightning Protection

At the completion of this subject you will understand galvanic corrosion principles, cathodic protection, electrolytic corrosion principles, isolation transformers, Impressed Current Cathodic Protection systems, lightning principles, lightning protection systems and how to perform basic maintenance and troubleshooting on all of the systems.

Module 105 - DC Equipment and Lighting Systems

At the completion of this subject you will understand DC motors and maintenance, anchor windlasses, electric winches, hydraulic power packs, navigation lighting, external lighting, internal lighting, stabilizers, trim tab systems, thrusters, trolling motors, electric propulsion and how to perform basic maintenance and troubleshooting on all of the systems.

Module 106 - Marine Electronics

At the completion of this suject you will understand how autopilots work, the principles of radar and radar reflectors, how depth sounders and fish finders operate, the principles of speed logs and wind instruments, how instrument networks operate, about interfacing, interference and how to reduce it, how GPS, LORAN and RDF works and how to perform basic maintenance and troubleshooting on all of the systems.

Module 107 - Communications and GMDSS

At the completion of this subject you will understand the principles of the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS), and how system components operate (Digital Selective Calling (DSC) VHF radio works, MF/HF,INMARSAT C, NAVTEX, EPIRBS, SART’s), How to use VHF and SSB Radio, INMARSAT,EMAIL, Weatherfax, Cellular Phones, and how to perform basic maintenance and troubleshooting on all of the systems

Module 108 - Water, Sewage and Pumping Systems

At the completion of this subject you will understand how pressurized water systems operate, water pumps and principles, desalination and watermaker systems, how sewage systems and Marine Sanitation Devices (MSD) operate, bilge pumps and automatic systems, the installation of hot water systems, shower pumps, and how to perform basic maintenance and troubleshooting on all of the systems.

Module 109 - Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Systems

At the completion of this subject you will understand diesel heaters and diesel water heaters work, how boiler systems operate, the basic principles of air conditioning systems, ventilation systems, the basics principles of refrigeration and compressors and how to perform basic maintenance and troubleshooting on all of the systems.

Module 110 - Generators, Inverters and AC Power Systems

At the completion of this subject you will understand AC Safety, AC Rules and Regulations, generators, generator controls, inverters, shore power systems, AC wiring, AC protection, AC appliances, and how to perform basic maintenance and troubleshooting on all of the systems.


The Founder, Principal and Course Tutor is John Payne (FISTC, LCGI, FIDiagE). He is author of The Marine Electrical and Electronics Bible, The Motorboat Electrical and Electronics Manual and the Fishermen’s Electrical Manual; the Understanding Boat Electrics series (Understanding Batteries and Charging, Understanding Boat Wiring) with 8 more handy boating guides on the way.

He commenced a seagoing career initially as a Marine Engineer and then Electrical Officer on a variety of vessel types including highly automated and computerized refrigerated cargo vessels. After transferring into Dynamically Positioned (DP) Dive Vessels and DP Drillships, worked for several leading offshore drilling companies on a variety of rig types specializing in DP and Deepwater, both in offshore electrical roles and as onshore Maintenance Supervisor, responsible for writing and implementing Planned Maintenance Systems and providing technical support. He is a Licensed Electrical Contractor, and has formal Safety Management qualifications and a Lead Auditor for ISO9000 Quality Management Systems and International Safety Management (ISM) Code for Shipping.

He has been employed by one the world's leading maritime consultancy companies and been engaged in Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) and trials of the worlds most advanced DP deepwater drilling installations and their systems, trials of new vessels, rigs and their DP and electrical power management systems. He is a Marine Surveyor and has acted as an Electrical and Automation Expert Witness in major maritime litigation cases.

As a formally qualified Technical Author and Writer he has been involved in defining and writing maintenance and operating manuals for a range of projects including military helicopters, hydrographic survey vessels, submarine sonar systems, railroad High Voltage systems and Information Technology. He has a Fellow of the Institute of Scientific and Technical Communicators.

Once a competition sailor, he is an experienced cruising yachtsman and has owned several sailing yachts and motor vessels. He is regularly published in major yachting and boating magazines in the UK, United States and Australia and regularly lectures on boating and marine electrical and electronics subjects.

Copyright © 2004 John C. Payne. All rights reserved.


Your start to a new career or understanding marine electrics & electronics
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