Choose the right fishing-rod
Getting the right gear to suit you is important, and you must look for a balanced fly-
fishing outfit. This means that the rod, the reel and the line are compatible
This is started with the correct type of line for the intended fishing, then you match it up
with the right fishing-rod and lastly the right fishing-reel.
Questions to ask yourself. What is the intended use? What type of action? What about
the weight and length? What type of flies do you intend using? What type of fish are you
going for? What type of water conditions will you fish in? What is your skill level?
The most important factor to consider is the fishing-rod balance. This involves
considering several other factors.
What is the intended use?
What fish species are you after? What type of waters will you fish? Ocean, lake, river,
dam, stream?
What is fishing-rod action?
This relates to the stiffness or flexibility of the fishing-rod. When you cast or fight a fish,
the rod is stressed and the action will be related to material it is made from and the
actual rod design.
What is a fast action rod?
Fast action rods tend to be stiffer and the bending tends to be concentrated in the top
30% of the rod. This type of design gives greater casting distances and performs well in higher wind conditions.
What is a medium or moderate action fishing-rod?
Medium action rods tend to flex more in the upper 50% of the rod. They are a better
choice for novice fly fishermen and suit a wide range of fishing conditions
What is a slow action rod?
Slow action rods tend to flex more evenly over the entire rod length. They are suited to
more experienced anglers who want accurate close quarters casting where fly
presentation requires a deft and delicate touch. They do require modified casting
techniques when switching fly types
What about the fishing-rod material?
The action of a fishing-rod is directly affected by the rod material. This affects the action
of the rod and this is also dependent on the type of fishing you plan. Fiberglass and
graphite dominate rod construction and the more exotic composite rods have boron
added to improve the stiffness qualities. Novices generally choose the more economical
fiberglass rods. The composite graphite rods are much lighter and offer better casting
ability and are more expensive.
What about the rod weight and length
The rod weight and length should be properly matched up with the fishing line weight. As
an example a 5 weight rod is designed to cast a 5 weight fly fishing line. A common
designation is #5/9 which means that it is a 5 weight, 9 foot rod. The rod length is the
key to the intended casting action.
8 feet or less. These are classed as short rods and suit fishing in relatively confined
spaces where lots of overhanging foliage and branches are clustered around small
bodies of water and narrow streams
8 to 9 feet. These are well suited to bass and trout fishing, offering improved line control
along with greater casting ranges
9 feet or more. These are better suited to large river, estuary and large water bodies.
They allow longer casting distances and good line management. Cabela's Holiday '04 GIFTS UNDER $50
What does high modulus mean? What is a perfect parabolic curve?
Carlson Custom Fly Rods Beautiful hand crafted custom fly rods. Choose from Sage, G- Loomis, Winston, St.Croix and others. Select from the best quality components available for the high performance fly rod of your dreams
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