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While COMITT '05 was the first step in addressing the education, training and professional development needs of our industry, we have many other steps to take in the process of creating a coordinated approach to embrace and expand on our current programs, to promote recognition of these programs throughout our industry, and to get the word out to the next generation of prospective marine industry employees!

Below is our list of action items, and as each item is accomplished it will be checked off

Post COMITT '05 participants on web site.
List of Participants
February 14, 2005
Post list of marine industry educational institutions that were at COMITT on web site.
List of Educational Institutions

*The educational institutions and programs list above is a continual work in progress. Upon the formation of the MITEC, this list will be expanded to include other institutions and programs, cross referenced by type of training and region, which will be part of the overall cataloging effort.

March 7, 2005
Follow-up CD's distributed
Purchase CD
March 21, 2005
Have an initial listing of funding and educational reimbursement programs posted on web site.
Workforce Investment Board
April 4, 2005
Resume posting area. Research technology
Establish and develop MITEC
MITEC Updates

We want this process to be as transparent and inclusive as possible, and as we move forward we will be adding to and updating the information on this web site. Please be sure to check it frequently for any new items of interest.

Thank you again for your support and interest in COMITT!

Thank you to our Speakers and Facilitators