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Highlighted Features
» It's all about the software – the rise and rise of Series 60
Steve Litchfield explains his own platform U-turn and draws some lessons about the importance of add-on software to the smartphone power user.

» The Sendo X and a half
What might have been. And yet is. Steve Litchfield looks at the Sendo X, now at the end of its life, yet strangely renewed and a taste of what could have been.

» Nokia Nseries N70
The N70 is a 3G Series 60 smartphone with a 2 megapixel camera with integrated flash and x20 zoom. It was one of the first 3 Nseries devices announced by Nokia.

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Recent Features and Articles
» It's all about the software – the rise and rise of Series 60
Steve Litchfield explains his own platform U-turn and draws some lessons about the importance of add-on software to the smartphone power user.

» Rifts: All About N-Gage Sit Down With the Creator, Designer and Producer of this eagerly awaited RPG
Rifts… It’s not just another Role-Playing Game. While the majority of N-Gage Users looked on the announcement of Kevin Siembeida’s RPG system coming to a Finnish phone near you as just another title, the dedicated Rifts fans were dancing in the streets with the news that it was finally becoming a computer game after twenty years. And the industry quietly wondered just what Psionic skills Nokia had employed to get the franchise. I sat down with Kevin Siembeida, along with Creative Director Trent Ward from Backbone, and Shane Neville from Nokia, the Producer of Rifts.

» Orange Services and the Nokia 6680
Rafe looks at Orange services on the Nokia 6680 and argues that operator offerings are an important part of the smartphone package.

» System Rush Interview: The Business of Games
Every wondered about the business behind a game? Ewan takes time out from playing System Rush to ask Rob Hendry, of Ideaworks 3D, some of the nitty gritty details of working with Nokia's flagship gaming platform.

» iPod, RIP
Steve Litchfield enthuses about digital media on a Symbian smartphone and ponders the (eventual) death of the iPod.

» Previewing Series 60 Version 3
So what's going on with the recently annoucned Series 60 version 3? Ewan takes a quick look at the next iteration of the main UI in the smartphone world...

» Previewing the Samsung D720
The Samsung D720 was officially announced at 3GSM in Cannes. It is the third Series 60 phone from Samsung. Rafe took the opportunity to take a quick look and here are his first impressions.

» The Zen-Gage
What do you want for Christmas? The latest and greatest games console? Not Christopher Rydberg, he wants a new N-Gage... the Zen-Gage.

» The All About N-Gage Five Point Plant for 2005
The final part of our N-Gage Christmas (and yes we know it's a bit late... blame the festivities!) is Ewan's 5 Point Plan for 2005. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the N-Gage? Can it survive the DS and PSP onslaught? Ewan thinks so, as long as nothing goes wrong.

» Previewing the 2005 N-Gage Titles
We've seen the future. Or at least what games you'll all be playing in the first months of 2005. Ewan takes a look at the upcoming titles for the N-Gage.

» All About Snakes, Dan Scott Interview
Many years ago, Nokia was famous for putting Snake on their phones. N-Gage owners are already looking forward to Snakes, an updated, 3D bluetooth multiplayer extravaganza of a game. We caught up with Producer Dan Scott in a Vancouver Coffee Shop to interview him and find out All About Snakes - and to ask if it realy will be a free download.

» Series 60 Freeware
This article addresses that frequent question - where can I get free software for my phone? This isn't comprehensive, but gives a run down on the some of the software that Rafe uses.

» Rear Talkin - Finally a Way To Modify the N-Gage
Side Talking is dead. Long live Rear Talkin' - Let All About N-Gage show you the greatest DIY mod for your N-Gage.

» The N-Gage 2003 Round Up
A look at the N-Gage in 2003, from announcement to the Christmas sales, and everything in between. Does the N-Gage's checkered past equal a short-lived or non-existent future?

» All About N-Gage's Mobile Site Guide
Want to read All About N-Gage from your N-Gage? Here's what's available on the All About N-Gage Mobile site? Pretty much everything.

» Read Any Good Books Lately?
Read Any Good Books Lately?

» The Free N-Gage Software and Demo Scene
With the N-Gage and N-Gage QD avaialble at some fantastic prices (as low as $99 in the US) is this a good time to get the system? Ewan thinks so, and Nokia's offering of free demo versions and full games (Snakes) just make it even better. Here's your guide to the freebies.

» Glimmerati Preview
Nokia announced their own 'Glitz and Glamour' racing game at E3 2004. As E3 2005 approaches, Ewan catches up with Bugbear, the brains behind Glimmerati, to see what this ancipated title can offer the N-Gage.

» Nokia's Mobile Search and Mobile Service Consumption
Rafe looks at Nokia's Mobile Search application and then talks about the future of information consumption on mobile devices.

» High Seize Preview
Ewan previews High Seize for the Nokia N-Gage platform

» Can a smartphone make you smarter?
First time AAS author Thomas Boys takes a look at ways for your Series 60 smartphone to help you look, act and become smarter.

» Previewing the Sendo X2 Music Phone
It's not big (but it is clever). Sendo start pushing the form factor and the price point with their second Symbian OS device, the X2 Music Phone. Ewan takes a look at where in the market it fits, and the design behind the tiny smartphone.

» Previewing the Panasonic X800
Rafe takes a look at Panasonic's second Series 60 phone the X800. Panasonic officially launched this phone at 3GSM. It features design and multimedia changes from it's predecessor the X700.

» Previewing the Nokia 6680
Rafe takes a first look at the Nokia 6680 in Cannes at 3GSM. The 6680 is Nokia's first dual camera 3G Series 60 phone.

» The Revo-lutionary Nokia 7710
Is the 7710 the smartphone that the die-hard Psion users have been waiting for? Ewan thinks so.

» An N-Gage Christmas Homepage
Win yourself an N-Gage QD and a bundle of games as we look at the state of the N-Gage. What lies ahead for Nokia's gaming machine, what lessons can they learn, and where do we think they're going wrong...

» Piracy on the N-Gage Seas
Pieces of 8-bit! Yes there may be a lot of piracy, but Ewan doesn't think the N-Gage is any different in this respect... and he also thinks Nokia are on the right track with a lot of their ideas.

» Nokia's Preminet - Ewan Interviews Steen Thygesen
Back in October, Nokia announced a new area for the Finnish company. Preminet would be a software store retailer, that would work with the carriers and developers, providing over the air download services for handset owners. With strong online competition from Handango and Symbian Gear, All About Symbian were interested in what Nokia could bring to the table. We sat down with Steen Thygesen, from Forum Nokia, to talk about this new venture.

» Looking at Lifeblog
Rafe takes a look at the beta of Lifeblog and some of the ideas behind it.

» 30 Minutes with the N-Gage QD
All About N-Gage attended the Press Launch of the N-Gage QD on April 14th in London. Here's what we thought.

» N-Gage Looking To The Future
2003 has come and gone. PSP is on the horizon, Nintendo's mysterious DS is marching its way into reality for the 2004 holiday season, Tapwave's Zodiac has the power of the Palm OS. Will your trusty N-Gage survive the coming portable console battle? Nokia says it will and how with an amazing 80 releases for 2004 including many exclusives. Can they deliver? With a little research has uncovered the whispers of 28 N-Gage titles that might just make Nokia's 80 seem a little more plausible and the N-Gage's stance a lot less shaky. Read the latest inside.

» Emulation on Series 60
This article gives a run down of some of the emulators available for Series 60 phones. Emulators enable you to run programs from other computing systems on your Series 60 phone.

Recent Device Related Articles
» N-Gage QD - What others have said.
We've rounded up coverage from around the web of the N-Gage QD in the first week after the press launch.

» Engaging the User
Engaging the User

» Rafe's First Impressions of the Nokia N-Gage
First impressions of the Nokia N-Gage.

» N-Gage QD - Less is More?
There's less to the N-Gage QD in feature count, but does this make it less of a device?

» Nokia N-Gage
Summary article for the Nokia N-Gage.

» Battery or Piracy... You Decide
Battery or Piracy... You Decide

» Nokia N-Gage QD Silver Edition
Ewan and Rafe look at the Silver QD and find that the more things stay the same the more they change.

» The Great Taco Hunt
Jim tries to buy an N-Gage, and ends up on wild Taco chase.

» Nokia N-Gage Specifications
Nokia N-Gage Specifications

» Nokia N-Gage QD
Summary article for the N-Gage QD (The N-Gage 2)

» So What Does QD Really Stand For?
What's in a name? Quite a lot - so what's up with the stange new worlds of the N-Gage Family? Here's some quick and dirty commentary for a Friday afternoon.

» N-Gage QD Gallery of Images

» 30 Minutes with the N-Gage
30 Minutes With the Nokia N-Gage.

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