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Alien Front
Alien Front Summary Information Cancelled? Read All About N-Gage's preview of Sega's Alien Front, as the forces of good line up to squelch another insignificant planet so they can bring order ot the UNiverse. Or play as the Humans and attempt to fight the Aliens as they try to destroy the Earth. It's all a matter of perspective, in this traditional 3-D action game from Sega.

Publisher: Sega | Information Last Updated: 28th Aug 2004
Game Status: Rumoured | Release Date: 2004-09-09

From the information we have (28th August 2004) it appears that Alien Front has been removed from the upcoming N-Gage MMC Games List. We can only assume it has been cancelled due to quality/testing issues.

All About N-Gage's preview of Alien Front.


Alien Front Alien Front Alien Front Alien Front

Nokia Blurb:

Humankind believed in its own strength, its own resources, and its ability to be the master and not the slave. It was wrong. Three-eyed alien forces known as the Triclops descended upon Earth without warning and preyed on man, woman, and child – showing no more remorse than a snake swallowing a rat.

When Earth fought back, the alien motherships picked our air forces out of the sky effortlessly. On the ground, the world’s armies scored puny – but inspiring – victories. Now it’s time for an all-out offensive. Are you the one to lead the emancipation of all humanity, or do you just taste good with a side salad? 

  • Play as human forces and save the planet, or fight on the side of the aliens and obliterate the human scum foolish enough to get in your way 
  • Training missions give you a specific goal and help you learn your way around the controls 
  • Excellent graphics with lots of attention to detail immerse you in the game world

N-Gage Exclusive Features

  • Wireless 2-player Deathmatch mode via Bluetooth technology 
  • Upload/download your scores and stats through the N-Gage Arena

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