Rifts is a classic 15-year old pen-&-paper role-playing game from Palladium Books Inc. that’s been hugely succesful among millions of gamers for more than a decade. N-Gage is immensely proud to present the exclusive digital debut of the title, co-developed by the author of the series, Kevin Siembieda. Rifts: Promise of Power features over 40 hours of immersive gameplay, dedicated to staying true to the original characteristics of the game.
Assemble your party from an intrigueing selection of characters and explore countries like North America, Scotland, China and New German Republic. Gameplay in the Rifts world consists of two different styles: real-time movement and turn-based combat. You will need strategic knowledge of the locations, special magic, psychic skills, and high technology to achieve your goals!
Let the deep and detailed story take you to a multi-dimensional world of supernatural beings, gods, time travelers, dragons, cyborgs, psionics, automatic weapons, and much, much more...
- Over 12 playable character classes, from the metal behemoth ‘Glitter Boy’ to the psychic ‘Mind Melter’ and the chemically enhanced ‘Juicer’
- Over 40 hours of gameplay, including over 100 weapons, armours and cybernetics, as well as more than 50 enemies
- Amazing graphics with a 360° camera angle in an impressive 3D world!
The Rifts Mini-Site on
Rifts - Advance Preview on GameMethod
Kevin Siemieda, Creator of Rifts, talks about the N-Gage version and why it rocks.