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Red Faction
Red Faction Summary Information From the mind of John Romero comes the first First Person shooter for the N-Gage. Similar in style and execution to the classic of the genre (Doom), Red Faction sees you as a miner on Mars in the midst of a revolution. Escaping the mines, you find yourself drawn into a struggle between The Corporation and the revolting miners. And when the adventure is over, 4 player Deathmatch via bluetooth is available.

Publisher: THQ Wireless | Information Last Updated: 26th Mar 2004
Game Status: Released | Release Date: 2004-12-15

Reviewed by Ewan on All About N-Gage




Nokia blurb:

As Parker, a miner working in appalling conditions beneath the surface of Mars, you become caught up in a rebellion triggered by inhuman working conditions and a deadly plague. During the course of 12 levels, set across land, sea and air environments, you fight overwhelming odds in your quest to free Mars from the evil Ultor's grip.

The first 3D first-person shoot-em-up for the Nokia N-Gage™ game deck, Red Faction was developed by Monkeystone Software, run by Doom and Quake legend John Romero.

Featuring 2-player action and levels that progress from gritty underground mines to pristine labs on Mars' surface, Red Faction mixes frenetic action with an absorbing storyline.

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