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Diamond Clarity refers to the presence or absence of internal and external
flaws and blemishes. Diamonds without any flaws and blemishes are rarer to
find and more expensive. Most diamonds have some inclusions or blemishes.
These are either natural (trace of other minerals) or occur while mining and
Each diamond can be put in one of the following clarity categories:
FL-IF: Flawless: No internal or external flaws. Internally Flawless:
Extremely Rare and Beautiful. This grade is awarded to diamonds with no
internal flaws and only minor external blemishes.
VVS1-2: Beautiful Brilliance. Very Very Slightly Imperfect - These
stones have very, very small inclusions. VVS1 is better than VVS2.
VS1-2: Beauty with Value. Very Slightly Imperfect - These stones have
very small inclusions. VS1 is better than VS2.
SI1-2: Exceptional Value. Slightly Imperfect - These stones have
inclusions that may be visible with the naked eye. SI1 is better than SI2.
I1: These stones have inclusions ranging from eye visible to very
easily seen to the naked eye.
I2-3: These stones visible inclusions and are of lowest grade. My
Solitaire does not carry these diamonds.
External Flaws:
There are many impurities that are on the surface of the diamond. External flaws
are the result of wear and tear on the diamond or from damage caused during
Internal Flaws:
These are any of the many impurities that reside solely in the interior of the
diamond. There are many kinds of internal flaws such as clouds, black spots
(carbon), fractures, etc.,
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