Relmax Top Terms of Service.
- We DO NOT allow any Adult, Warez, Hacking or Illegal activities Web sites to participate.
- Your e-mail address must be valid.
- Only Web sites in English are allowed to participate in Relmax Top.
- The Relmax Top counter code can only be placed on the actual site, not popups or pop-unders.
- You absolutely MUST install and keep the HTML code as is for the Relmax Top counter on your Web site. If we find that the code was removed or modified, your site will be declined and removed immediately. The Relmax Top counter has to be installed on your Web site not later than 48 hours after registration.
- You are allowed to list an unlimited number of sites under one account.
- Web sites with only affiliate (referral) links will not be accepted.
- Your Web site must have a domain name. No sites under IP addresses will be accepted.
- No more than one popup per page is allowed. We will not accept sites with multiple popups.
- Web sites with large amount of visitors will be served on the paid basis only.
- We do not accept sites that are under construction.
- If we find out that you automatically generate traffic or cheat, your account will be suspended.
- No hidden frames or IFRAMES. The Relmax Top button MUST be visible on the page.
- You agree to use RelmaxTop.com services at your own risk. The Service is provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis. Under no circumstances will Relmax, Inc., its employees, agents or affiliates be liable for any damages that might be caused by The Service.
- We reserve the right to refuse or remove any site from our directory listing for any reason and at any time, without explanation.
- We reserve the right to change or modify these Terms of Service at any time.
By using RelmaxTop.com site or any provided services, you agree to each and every term listed above.