The Wayback Machine -
Spy Counter

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Welcome to the Webmaster spy counter tool site!

Sorry, we temporarily do not provide free hosting service because of the constant abuse of our terms of service.

We are here to provide you with precise statistics and visitor information for your website. The site and the spy counter tool are free to use.

Spy counter is 'all about' making your website reveal information about visitors to your web pages and how your site is used by these visitors.

Learn the time of day visitors use your site.
Learn the days of the week visitors come to your site more often.
Reveal keywords typed by your visitors.
Find information about visitors that other counters don't provide.

The physical look of a spy counter is that of any other counter on a website, but a spy counter provides more useful information. The spy counter on your site gives you information on the users who visit your site without anyone realizing information is being gathered and reported.

Gathering data about users, hosts, and pages your users navigate to is just some of what the spy counter can report. This is the tool revealing information about visitors to your site without them ever knowing it!

The spy counter is free to use. Sign up now!

Get started by registering your site on the registration form. is a sophisticated tool that will show you all types of data on your web site visitors and provide information that you otherwise would not know.

Spy counters count those visiting your site with every click of the mouse.

Information derived from users on your site can help you improve your web site functionality and information directions, by finding what your users search for most often. Web users tell you want they want see more of, by your reviewing what keywords are used to find your site which is one of the benefits of spy counter.

Get a spy counter for your site and learn all about who visits it!

You can learn more about what internet users want when they come to your site by seeing how many users have been to your site in the last day, what types of files they download and what types of browsers/useragents and systems they use.

Spy counters 'physically look' just as any other counter would on your web site. The numbers reveal the number of users who have been to your site, but for you the spy counter is going to reveal so much more!

Sign up for the free spy counter tool today!

Get the inside information about your site users.
Learn the keywords that they enter.
Find out the days that your site is used more often.
Learn about the pages on your site that are visited most.

Use the information provided by spy counter to adjust your web pages, make them more informational, more exciting, and more helpful to your users, increase your sales and focus your additional links on the pages that are seen more often.

Registration is free and the use of spy counter is free!