Utilities & Healthcare | Printer Friendly
Utilities: Electricity Brunswick Electric Membership Corporation (BEMC) supplies electric power for most of Brunswick County’s businesses and residences with the exception of the City of Southport, the Route 74/76 corridor to the Columbus County line and the towns of Leland, Belville, Boiling Spring Lakes and the Village of Baldhead Island. Brunswick Electric Membership Corporation 795 Ocean Highway West Supply, NC 28462 To establish service call (910) 754-4391 or (800) 842-5871 Outage reporting: (800) 682-5309 |
Progress Energy (Leland, Belville, Boiling Spring Lakes, Village of Bald Head Island and Columbus County line and the Route 74/76 corridor) 1450 Fifty Lakes Drive Boiling Spring Lakes, NC 28461 To establish service (910) 256-6161 or (800) 452-2777
City of Southport (Southport only) Town Hall 201 E. Moore Street Southport, NC 28461 To establish service (910) 457-7910
Water and Sewer
Depending upon your location within the county, your water and sewer service may involve individual wells and septic tanks, county owned and operated systems or privately owned and operated systems. Check with the municipality, Brunswick County Central Permitting or your realtor who is assisting with your purchase. Sewer systems are not available in all areas.For information on water and sewer service in your area, call your Town Hall. See the listing of towns and communities in the beginning of the Guide for Town Hall contact information.
For areas outside a town or city’s limit, call Brunswick County Public Utilities (910) 253-2655.
Solid Waste & Recycling County Residents and BusinessesBrunswick County trash collection is handled by Waste Industries, but you will need to contact the County to initiate service and order your trash container. You will also contact the County to inquire about recycling guidelines and recycling center locations.
Brunswick County Waste & Recycling Department P.O. Box 179 Bolivia, NC 28422 (910) 253-2520 You will need to contact Waste Industries directly for the following: · To determine your collection day · To report damaged trash containers and request additional services (at your own expense) such as additional pick-ups or trash cans
Waste Industries(800) 814-4544 or (910) 253-4177
Cities and Town inside Brunswick County Each town and city has its own trash collection policies and fees. Please see the Water and Sewer section of the Relocation Guide for contact information for local town halls.
Telephone Telephone service to about 75% of the geographic area of the county is provided by Atlantic Telephone Membership Corporation (ATMC). The northern section of the county and the Southport area are covered by Bell South. Atlantic Telephone Membership Corporation P.O. Box 319 8620 Whiteville Road NW Shallotte, NC 28459 For service call (910) 754-4311 or (888) 367-2862
Bell South For service call (910) 780-2355
Cable Brunswick County currently has three cable services—Atlantic Telephone Membership Corporation (ATMC), Time Warner Cable and Tele-Media. In the eastern direction down Highway 211, cable service is provided by ATMC down to the Sunset Harbor vicinity, with the exception of Sunset Harbor itself and Winding River, which are covered by Tele-Media for cable service. ATMC also provides cable service to the areas going North up Highway 17 to Carol Lynn Estates and the railroad tracks just south of Leland. Exceptions to this area include the islands of Ocean Isle Beach and Holden Beach, which are covered by Time Warner for cable service, but ATMC for telephone service. The southern area of the county and the islands also have ATMC cable, with the exception of some of the communities on the mainland side of the bridges, such as Brick Landing Plantation and pockets in the areas of Shell Point and Holden Beach, which are covered by Tele-Media Cable, but have ATMC phone service.
Atlantic Telephone Membership Corporation P.O. Box 319 8620 Whiteville Road NW Shallotte, NC 28459 For service or questions call (910) 754-4311 or (888) 367-2862
Time Warner Cable 1949 Dawson Street Wilmington, NC 28412 For service or questions call (910) 457-6319 or (800) 222-8921
Tele-Media 2184 Seashore Road Supply, NC 28462 For service or questions call (910) 842-8383
High-speed Cable and DSL Internet Connection High-speed cable is offered by Time Warner Cable. DSL internet service is offered by Bell South and Atlantic Telephone Membership Corporation. For contact information, see the Business Directory.
Mobile Phone Service & Pagers-- Please see the Business Directory for a listing of local service providers.
Healthcare With a growing population, health providers in Brunswick County have been expanding their services. A great deal of emphasis is focused on the health care services for seniors. Our area attracts specialized physicians, medical staff and long-term care facilities. The county has two modern and accredited hospitals.
Brunswick Community Hospital (BCH) on Hwy 17 near Supply, operates a 60-bed acute care facility and provides a wide range of comprehensive medical and surgical services. Brunswick Community Hospital is accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) and has been in service to the community since 1977 . The nearly 400 employees and 80 plus physicians and specialists provide services including mammography, obstetrics and gynecological care, nuclear medicine, CAT scans, EEG, EKG, emergency services, endoscopy, intensive and coronary care, MRI, orthopedic treatment, gastroenterology, pain management, neurology, podiatry, speech pathology and audiology. The hospital also provides surgical services including outpatient, general, orthopedic, eye, urological, vascular, plastic and reconstructive, and ear, nose and throat. Brunswick County’s projected population growth has allowed the Hospital to receive approval from the State of North Carolina to add an additional 32 beds. Plans for this expansion of services are being developed. You can find out more about BCH by calling them at (910) 755-8121 or visiting them online at www.brunswickcommunityhospital.com.
J. Arthur Dosher Memorial Hospital in Southport offers acute and skilled nursing care including nursing home and rest home care. Supported by a tax district covering Smithville Township, the hospital opened in 1930. It is accredited by Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations and overseen by a publicly elected board of trustees.
Long-term nursing care is available in several area facilities, as are in-home medical assistance and adult day care. Assisted living is also available. These facilities allow individuals who need minimal assistance to continue to live as independently as possible, maintaining their privacy, while receiving supportive, quality care. Physician and medical services are available, along with laundry services, cultural, religious and recreational activities.
Care and counseling for the terminally ill and their families are provided by Lower Cape Fear Hospice which has served the area since 1980. Hospice also operates a live-in center in nearby Wilmington, which serves those in the region who are not able to have care provided in their homes.
There are additional regional and internationally-respected health care facilities within a short drive from our area. Just three hours away are the medical centers at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill and Duke University in Wake Forest, North Carolina. Extensive veterinary care is available throughout the region, as are equine farrier service and animal grooming. Specialized veterinary care is available through the school at NC State University in Raleigh. Licensed wildlife rehabilitators are located in Supply and in Southport as are several no-kill rescue shelters, including the Brunswick County Humane Society located on Sellers Road in Supply, North Carolina.