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Acai Berry From The Amazon Is Taking The World By Storm! (04 Nov 2005) The benefits from eating healthy are endless. And, according to Dr. Nicholas Perricone, some foods can be eaten to help you look and age better! At the top of the list is the acai fruit from the Amazon forest. This little berry is one of the most nutritious and powerful foods in the world. It can often be found in juice form in health food and gourmet stores.
New Sources of Hyaluronic Acid Provide Hope for Increased Availability (04 Nov 2005) Details new developments in Hyaluronic acid sources particulartly Hyaluronic acid gained from the vitreous humor of fish.
Celtic Tattoos and Their Popularity (04 Nov 2005) In the past few years Celtic tattoos have gone through a revival. Read more out where Celtic tattoo designs and their meanings.
Caring for Tattoos (04 Nov 2005) Tattoos are more popular now than at any time in recorded history. Current estimates have one in seven, or well over 43 million people in North America alone, who have one or more tattoos.
Cool Tattoos (04 Nov 2005) Los Angeles has always been the place to spot cool tattoos but now it has gone one step further with the latest trend - tongue tattoos.
Removing Unwanted Body Hair Permanently & Safely? (04 Nov 2005) Both males and females have unwanted hairs in their body. Everybody wishes to be fresh and energetic. It can be done in a many number of ways according the level of hairs in the body.
Hair Styles - How To Get The Most Flattering Hair Style (04 Nov 2005) Many people look to celebrities to find out current hair style trends and fashions. Sometimes this can backfire since many popular hair styles may not be suited for a particular hair texture. Find out what you should ask yourself to get the most flattering hair styles.
Neuropeptide - Amino Polypeptide Skin Care Comparison (04 Nov 2005) Are neuropeptides worth the extra cost? A comparison of state of the art antiaging skin care ingredients.
The Ultimate Beauty Tip: Good Posture (04 Nov 2005) When you think of projecting a professional image, do you consider your posture?
Tips For A Glowing Skin (04 Nov 2005) Do you know how and where to moisturize? Here are some helpful hints…
At-home Hair Color: Seven Tips for Great Results (04 Nov 2005) Doing your own home hair color for the first time can be intimidating, to say the least. Have I chosen the right color? What if I make a mistake and wind up with green hair or end up with overprocessed, dry damaged hair? The fact is that you can achieve excellent results as long as you know a few basics about how to select the right color and apply it correctly.
Non Prescription Cats Eye Contact Lenses - Animal Attraction! (04 Nov 2005) Do special effects contact lenses make a difference to your lifestyle?
Hair Care Home Remedies (04 Nov 2005) Natural homemade hair care recipes.
Tired Of Tweezing? A Better Way To A More Beautiful You (04 Nov 2005) Women have different amounts of terminal hair on the face for different reasons. it might be hereditary - if your mother or grandmother has darker facial hair on the upper lip you're more likely to have the same pattern. Having more body fat allows your body to create more of the hormones that make terminal hairs grow. And all women, thin or curvy, make more of the hair-growth hormone as they get older, which can increase facial hair growth.
5 DIY Anti-aging Tactics (04 Nov 2005) Anti-aging is about smooth, unlined skin and so much more.
Safety With Essential Oils (04 Nov 2005) Essential oils are highly fragrant, volatile oils that are extracted from the flowers, leaves and other parts of plants. This article looks at safety precautions that should be followed when working with essential oils.
Fade My Freckles! (04 Nov 2005) Freckles, age spots, pregnancy mask - these harmless skin defects can be quite an annoying problem. We all want not only silky smooth complexion, but an even and healthy skin tone as well. Freckl...
Make Your Pores Behave (04 Nov 2005) Smooth and soft skin, even tone, rosy glow, pores invisible to the naked eye... Perfect complexion. Isn't that what we hope to see when coming to the mirror? But the reality is harsh and mirrors don...
Drop The High Street Drag - Shop For Style Online! (04 Nov 2005) Surely it's considered a major fashion faux pas - turning up somewhere in the same outfit as someone else. If the current crop of high street shops are anything to go by, however, you'd be forgiven ...