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ProBoostGold Members
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Yahoo! Search Submit allows you to:
  • Receive rapid URL entry into Yahoo's global database, which includes Yahoo!, AltaVista, Alltheweb, Excite, About, Overture and many other major search engines!
  • Reach of over 85% of all Internet users World-Wide!
  • Keep search result listings up to date with your current page content by providing automatic re-indexing and search engine refreshes every 48 hours.
  • Maintain updated URLs in Yahoo's global database for a period of one year.
  • Track all your URL submissions, keyword clicks and transactions online through your personal Account Management Center.
  • Receive excellent service from your experienced, ProBoostGold customer support team.
  • Geo-target your URLs to the local index that matches your site's domain.

The only way to guarantee listings in the Yahoo! Search Network. You can work on improving your search result listing rank by optimizing your content and seeing the results of your changes within 48 hours!


Yahoo! Search Submit Program $99.

Start out by entering your first URL below. Once your account is created, you can enter more URLs for each unique page that you would like to submit. All URLs will be human edited and must conform to Yahoo! Search Submit's submission policy.

Enter your email address:  
Choose password:    (4-12 characters)
Confirm password:    

ProBoostGold's Search Submit packages include the $49 Yahoo review fee, plus the initial $50 cost-per-click deposit for your website. When a customer clicks on your URL in Search Submit partner sites, your Cost-Per-Click deposit fee will be deducted either 15 cents or 30 cents depending upon the cost-per-click category of your website content.

Yahoo! Search Submit Pricing:
Unit Price (USD)
URL # 1: $49.00
URL # 2-10: $29.00 each
URL # 11-999: $10.00 each

An additional minimum Cost-Per-Click balance deposit of $50 is required per unique host.

Pricing Example:
One unique host with 2 URLs would cost $157.00 = (1 x $49.00) + (2 x $29.00) + (1 x$50)
In this example, the unique host would be followed by 2 URLs such as and