ProBoostGold's Search Submit packages include the $49 Yahoo review fee, plus the initial $50 cost-per-click deposit for your website. When a customer clicks on your URL in Search Submit partner sites, your Cost-Per-Click deposit fee will be deducted either 15 cents or 30 cents depending upon the cost-per-click category of your website content.
Yahoo! Search Submit Pricing:
Unit Price (USD)
URL # 1: $49.00
URL # 2-10: $29.00 each
URL # 11-999: $10.00 each
An additional minimum Cost-Per-Click balance deposit of $50 is required per unique host.
Pricing Example:
One unique host with 2 URLs would cost $157.00 = (1 x $49.00) + (2 x $29.00) + (1 x$50)
In this example, the unique host would be
followed by 2 URLs such as