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European Travel Insurance & Travel Insurance Australia


With over 60million trips taken abroad last year around 40 per cent of the population now regularly go overseas for holidays, business meetings or to visit friends or relatives.

But according to Mintel a massive 2.7million people failed to take out travel insurance in 2003.

Perry Wilson, from travel insurance specialist InsureandGo, says: "It's not just the fact that, by not taking out cover, you could be faced with bills running into thousands should an accident or incident occur while you're away. It's the additional emergency support given, as part of the cover, which really shouldn't be undervalued.

"Imagine, if a loved one becomes ill or gets injured abroad, having to organise medical assistance, rearrange flights, extend accommodation, even repatriate the sick or injured party yourself. And in all probability having to deal with people who speak little or no English.

"On top of all this you'll have to find a way to pay all the additional bills - which could mean organising a loan or even re-mortgaging your house. Then you'll be wishing you'd spent a few pounds on travel insurance."

InsureandGo provides all its customers with a 24-hour emergency medical helpline that is available 365 days a year. The helpline will solve a customer's crisis in the most suitable and practical way from arranging appropriate medical treatment through to repatriation.

InsureandGo Standard Policy Prices

Europe Worldwide inc US/Can
Single Trip, 10 Days
Individual / Single Parent £12.44 £28.49
Couple / Family £24.88 £56.98
Annual Multi-Trip
Individual / Single Parent £39.00 £55.00
Couple / Family £65.00 £85.00

Prices as at 14.06.04. Budget Policies also available. InsureandGo includes up to 3 under 18's per insured adult for free as well as covering over 40 adventure sports automatically in all its policies. All annual policies include 17 days winter sports cover at no extra cost.

Consumers can find out more by either visiting or calling 0870 220 2240.


For further information or to interview Perry Wilson on any travel insurance issue, please call Stephanie on 01376 556 390.

· Figures taken from Mintel's Travel Insurance UK market report, Feb 04.

For more information about this article (PRESS ONLY) please contact:

Contact: Stephanie Coulter
Tel: 01376 556 390
E-mail: click here

For further product information, please contact:
Contact: James Richardson
Tel: 0870 010 1699
E-mail: click here

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