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FAQ Manager

Absolute FAQ Manager XE 1.5

Deliver answers online

absolute FAQ Manager XE 1.5Absolute FAQ Manager is the incredibly powerful and cost effective customer support system for reducing your costs, increasing customer satisfaction and boosting your sales by empowering your customers to get the answers they need when they need them by themselves!

Customer Support service on Demand!

The Absolute FAQ Manager is a feature packed Frequently Asked Questions management system that allows you to offer your customers an easy way to automatically get answers to their specific questions on-line 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Your customers will get the information they need when they want it and within the context of your site. This, prevents your customers from leaving your site when they have questions, and cannot readily find answers.+

Top features and Benefits

What makes Absolute FAQ Manager stand out of the crowd when it comes to choosing a FAQ Management and automated customer service tool for your web site? Aside from its ease to use and no frills integration, here are just some of the top reasons why our product is your best choice for delivering answers online automatically to your customer's most frequently asked questions :

with absolute FAQ manager reduce your support costsReduce your support costs
Eliminate redundant support phone calls and e-mails. With Absolute FAQ Manager you will reduce your expenditures in customer service by allowing your customers to help themselves and get the information they need.

increase customer satisfactionIncrease Customer Satisfaction
Your customers will get instant answers to their questions, directly from your web site. They won't have to call your company or send you an e-mail and wait for a reply!

the more the system is used, the more powerful it getsThe more the system is used, the more powerful it gets
If a customer does not find the answer he's looking for, he can submit it to you. When you answer the question, you can automatically add it to the knowledge base thus ensuring that the next customer with the same question will receive an instant answer!, the longer the use of the system, the greater the number of instant answers available!gather valuable customer knowledge

Gather Valuable Customer Knowledge
With the Absolute FAQ Manager, you can easily find out what your customers need by providing them with an easy and powerful communication channel with your company!

natural language supportNatural Language Support
Absolute FAQ Manager comes with a powerful search feature that allows your customers to query its database using natural language phrases and keywords. They just type their questions to get instant answers!

Visit for more article about FAQ Manager "FAQ Manager"

What is this script basically?

FAQ Manager is a cgi-script written in Perl. But don't let that scare you. It probably sounds more difficult and complicated than it actually is.

FAQ Manager is constructed to make it really easy to start up, run, edit and update a Frquently Asked Questions (FAQ) section on your web site.

You can handle everything directly through the built-in control panel. You can set up new categories, add new questions of your own choice, answer questions, automatically notify your visitors by email when you've answered one of their questions on your FAQ page etc. etc.

The possibilities are almost endless. "FAQ manager"One of the features I really like in FAQ Manager is the ability to generate the FAQ pages as html-pages. This makes it much easier for the search engines to index your FAQ pages, even though lately they've become better at indexing dynamic pages.

And exactly this fact is one of the really important arguments for setting up a FAQ section on your web site: The html pages that together constitute your FAQ section will tend to drive more traffic from the search engines to your web site.

Another very important reason is that a good FAQ section is a fine service to your visitors and customers.

A third - and very important but often overlooked reason - is that a good FAQ section can give you an excellent impression of which kind of products your visitors and customers would like to get from you.

The installation process

Setting up FAQ Manager is relatively easy. The installation manual is fine and very easy to follow. If you've ever installed other cgi-scripts, most of you who read this will probably also find it fairly easy to install this FAQ Manager.

The only little point at which the installation manual can be misunderstood, is the section about the (extra) "directory which will hold your new FAQ Area" which you'll have to create - in addition to the directory (containing the script itself, the images, the templates etc.). When you read the installation manual, you could get the impression that the "extra" directory will have to be in a totally different directory that the first directory you made.

There is nothing complicated about the process. Just follow the instructions step by step, and you'll soon be up and running.

Update information

At the bottom of each of your answers in the FAQ area, FAQ Manager automatically enters the date when the page has been updated with your answer. If you - as the administrator - would like to change this date, you can easily do so in the administration panel.

There are several other excellent features in FAQ Manager, but I think you get the picture.

What could have been better?

The only criticism I have of FAQ Manager is the price: $125. It really is an excellent script, but $125 may be out of reach for some owners of smaller, new online businesses. This is a shame, considering how valuable this script is and how much it can do to make your web site more user-friendly and helpful for your whole online business. FAQ Manager will make it considerable easier for your visitors and customers to stay in touch with you and air their questions.

Need more info about FAQ Manager, please visit

Build a FAQ Plus - FAQ Manager

What is Build A FAQ Plus?

Build A FAQ is a quality Perl script that enables you to build and manager FAQ and knowledge base categories. You can add multiple categories and descriptions, sort categories and questions in any order and it even comes with a built in user feedback feature that lets you know whether your visitors have found your pages useful.

Plus you get

a built in search engine allowing your visitors to search your FAQ and have highlighted results returned as questions and answers. And a printer friendly feature that allows your visitors to view and print any page in a printer friendly format. A built in "Submit a Question" form that can handle file uploads and send the files to your inbox via e-mail. And the ability to personalize and customize the Autoresponder and you notification e-mail using any form field in the built in or your custom forms.

Administrative functions allow you to switch user feedback back on or off, reset stats and re order questions and categories. You can also add unique meta tags and titles to each page you create. This program has been designed with user friendliness in mind. Check out our demo using the link above.

Build a FAQ and watch your hits explode

Don't waste your money, time and effort with any other FAQ script. Only Build a FAQ is based on static HTML pages that can be indexed by search engines and updated via the admin section. Search engines do not index cgi generated pages. Unless your FAQs are built using static HTML pages, no-one except your regular visitors will ever find them. Our FAQ generator will generate and update regular HTML pages which not only use less server resources, but can also be indexed and found by all spiders.

Build a FAQ Plus can be used as a support system or help desk allowing your visitors to search your faq, knowledgebase or support pages and submit questions if they cannot find an answer. It may also be used to supplement your support team's efforts, a Glossary of terms, build and manage FFA pages or any type of list oriented page or database. With unlimited categories, pagination (xx number of question per page), Build a FAQ is the ultimate FAQ manager. Maintaining your FAQ pages could not be easier using our first class, web based FAQ management system.

If you want to know more info about FAQ Manager, please visit Perl Scripts Java Scripts

Absolute FAQ Manager Customers

Here, you'll find some of the sites that are currently using Absolute FAQ Manager to provide online customer support. We're committed to make this the most powerful, easy and affordable FAQ administration system in the market.

absolute FAQ manager Absolute FAQ Manager : With this powerful system your customers will get the information they need when they want it and within the context of your site. This, prevents your customers from leaving your site when they have questions, and cannot readily find answers

FAQ manager of : is a pet themed, family oriented site that contains lots of useful information pertaining to animals. Currently using Absolute Live Support .NET, Absolute FAQ Manager, Absolute Banner Manager and Absolute Poll Manager.

FAQ manager of
Dwayne's provides a wide array of film processing and printing services, currently using the Absolute FAQ Manager.

FAQ manager of : is an online greeting card site that offers 100% flash based e-cards!

Want to read more articles about FAQ Manager, please visit


dvd faq

Where can I get the DVD FAQ?

Has the DVD FAQ been translated into other languages?

The following translations of the DVD FAQ are available. Translations to a few other languages are in progress.

  • Chinese <>. Míngxiè to Wu Lingchao.
  • German <>. Tausend Dank to Carsten Stupka.
  • French <>. Merci beaucoup to Franck Ernould.
  • (An old French translation by Zahir Abela is still available.).
  • Hungarian <>. Köszönöm szépen to Ferenc Fellner.
  • Italian <>. Molti ringraziamenti to Pierugo Mazzaccheri.
  • Japanese <>. Otsukaresama to Yoshida Toshinori.
  • Korean <>. Gamsahamnida to Park, Jin Hong.
  • Norwegian <>. Tusen takk to Paul H. Brekke and Lasse Hatletvedt.
  • Russian <>. Spasibo bolshoye to Alexander Lokshin.
  • Spanish <>. Muchisimas gracias to Modesto Garrido.
  • Turkish (portions only) <>. Cok tesekkurler to Bilgehan Maraþ.

Is this FAQ any good? Who wrote it? How do I know it's accurate?

Here are a few user comments on the DVD FAQ. If you type "DVD" into Google, this Web site is usually the #1 result. It's the most accurate source of DVD information in this galaxy. If you find something you think is in error, please let Jim know. There's plenty of other good information about DVD on the Internet. Pointers to other DVD sites are scattered throughout the FAQ and in section 6.4.

The DVD FAQ is written by Jim Taylor, the author of DVD Demystified and Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About DVD. Jim has been in the DVD business since before there was a DVD business. He found out about the upcoming DVD format in 1995 and began writing articles to let others know about this amazing new technology. Jim received the 2000 DVD Pro Discus Award for Outstanding Contribution to the Industry, was named one of the 21 most influential DVD executives by DVD Report, was an inaugural inductee into the 2002 Digital Media Hall of Fame, and was named one of the Pioneers of DVD in the October 2003 issue of One to One magazine. Jim has worked with interactive media for over 20 years, developing educational software, laserdiscs, CD-ROMs, Web sites, and DVDs, along with teaching workshops, seminars, and university courses. He writes articles and columns about DVD for publications such as Widescreen Review, serves as President of the DVD Association, and sits on advisory boards of leading-edge companies in the DVD industry. Jim was formerly DVD Evangelist at Microsoft, and is currently Chief of DVD Technology and General Manager of the Advanced Technology Group at Sonic Solutions, the leading developer of DVD authoring systems.

Continue to learn more about DVD FAQ, please visit Dvd Demystified

Outdoor Book Internet Epoch Cooking Web Look Faq Investment Service By Mortgage Like Pet


Do I need an expensive home theater system to enjoy DVD's?
No! It's not hard to enjoy DVD's on a budget, it's easy to get caught up in the fact that there will always be some piece of home theater equipment that is "better" than what you bought (and usually a TON more expensive). When buying a home theater system, really ask yourself what you Need.

My receiver is Dolby Pro Logic*, does this mean I can't listen to DVD's in Dolby Digital* 5.1?
While you won't get the same experience listening to Dolby Digital 5.1 audio on a Dolby Pro Logic system, you will notice a dramatic difference between listening in Dolby 5.1 and 2.0. Of course to take the fullest advantage of 5.1 you'd need a Dolby Digital receiver.

My movies seem to have a slight pause or freeze frame near the middle.
Put simply, in order to fit all the information on one side of the DVD, the technology utilizes two layers of information. That delay is the laser reaching the end of layer 1 and finding layer 2.

What does 2.35:1 and 1.85:1 mean? Why do I have Black Bars on my TV? What is Anamorphic, Widescreen or 16 x 9?
Aspect ratio refers to the width to height ratio of a film's presentation. Most home televisions are 4x3 (also expressed 4:3). Films, however, are presented in a variety of very different sizes. Armageddon, for instance, is in 2.35:1 (when you watch this film in its widescreen presentation, you will see that it is approximately 2.35 times as wide as it is tall), while As Good As It Gets is in 1.85:1.

Newer, high-definition TVs have an aspect ratio of 16:9, much closer to the size of an actual movie screen, and can therefore impressively accommodate the video output from your DVD player!

So if you don't have a 16:9 TV, does that mean you can't enjoy your DVD movies? Of course not! Your 4:3 TV will present your DVD movies in their original aspect ratios (provided that such a transfer is actually on the disc) by means of "letterboxing." Letterboxing simply means that the image on your TV is "boxed" by black bars of varying size (depending upon the aspect ratio of the movie you're watching) at the top and bottom of the screen. Though some people don't like watching letterboxed movies on their 4:3 TVs, most videophiles find it highly preferable as they get to see the movie as the filmmaker intended it to be seen.

Which brings us to Pan & Scan, the alternative to letterboxing, and Full Frame. Pan & Scan is a method of transferring a film to video in which a camera is "panned" back and forth over a film, thereby "scanning" so that the video transfer will contain the most important elements of the original film. What are the most important elements? Well, that's a might touchy question. The Pan & Scan version of a film will usually concentrate on the center of action, or on elements central to the plot, i.e. on the person speaking, on the killer's knife entering the edge of the screen, or on the Death Star exploding. As you might imagine, quite a bit of detail gets left out completely, sometimes as much as 50% of the originally filmed image! Sadly, most anything you rent on VHS has been panned and scanned.

Though "widescreen" and "letterbox" are usually used interchangeably, there is a big difference in "Full Frame" and "Pan & Scan." Films presented in Full Frame were originally shot that way, i.e. matted for presentation in roughly the aspect ratio of a 4:3 TV. An example of a Full Frame movie is Stanley Kubrick's Full Metal Jacket.

A notable exception to all of this is Disney/Pixar's A Bug's Life, the DVD release of which contains both the original widescreen presentation of the film as well as a digitally enhanced fullscreen version. Animators actually moved, shaped, and resized certain elements within the frame of the film to better accommodate the fullscreen transfer. In some cases you are actually seeing more information in the fullscreen version than you can in the widescreen.

Want to read more articles about DVD FAQ, please visit Dvd Talk


Tattoo FAQ

Tattoo - FAQ

1. Does the placement of a tattoo hurt?
The placement of a piercing is rather annoying than painful. The size and the detail determine the duration of the placement. A new tattoo is a pleasure for life.

2. Do you always use a new needle of are the needles sterilised and reused?
Needles used for a tattoo are only to be used once and than to be disposed off in a special needle container. The opening of the packaging should always happen near and clearly visible to you. THERE IS NO EXCUSE. If the sterilised wrapping was opened in advance: RUN LIKE CRAZY!

3. My tattooist doesn't have an autoclave, but he only use sterilised needles. Is this safe?
NO!!! There is a lot more to be sterilised than just the needle: all tools MUST be sterilised every time again after being used. So your favourite tattooist should have an autoclave on a visual spot in his studio.

4. I'm extremely nervous, can I have a few drinks before I come in?
Rather not! It decreases your sense of judgement, makes it more difficult to sit still and causes haemorrhages. Alcohol, drugs and certain medications (for example for you lungs, painkillers, etc.) thin the blood. This can result to the ink bleeding out when you're getting a tattoo and to the inevitable removal of the piercing if the bleeding can't be stopped. This can also happen when you use 1 of more blood-thinners in the first hours after the placement. Search just as long until you've found a tattooist in which you have enough confidence. Someone who will guide you through the whole event in an experienced and calm manner without giving you the feeling that your an extremely fragile plant.

5. Do I make an appointment?
From our own experience we know that every minute can seem like too, at least. If you come around for an informative chat, this is not a catastrophe! Otherwise it 's the Big Day! Than, of course, wipe that semi-scientific theory off the table and get an appointment when you wish to get your tattoo.

6. Recognised training-seminars-diplomas-certificates-associations-leagues
A self-respecting con-artist can easily promote himself to professor in tattoo-ology.
You just hang out this pamphlet:
Courses and tattoo seminars
5 day training
Training by piercing John Patato
Member of the (English/American/anything else) tattoo association
Recognised diplomas
Prize?? 000, -

Seminars can be educational, fascinating and amusing, but don't be fooled by people who work like this. In Belgium there is no law concerning tattoo practices. Certificates and diplomas are only legitimate to the distributor.

Continue to learn more about Tattoo FAQ, please visit Body Metals


New Look

A New Look at an Old Earth

a new look at an old earthResolving the Conflict Between the Bible & Science
By Don Stoner, With a Foreword by Dr. Hugh Ross
And a Preface by Chuck Smith Jr.

Now Available From Harvest House Publishers

Buy the book online from

If the God who created the universe also inspired the words of the Bible, there can be no contradictions between the two. Yet the popular Christian teaching that the earth is approximately 10,000 years old disagrees with modern scientific evidence. This insightful look at our incredible universe examines the facts of nature and how they compliment biblically sound interpretations of the creation account. A New Look at an Old Earth explores:




You'll discover the incredible depth of God's character, His magestic wisdom, and His awsome power in this exploration of the biblical and scientific details of His creation.

Harvest House Publishers, Eugene, Oregon 97402
This new edition (available in paperback only) is a major update, expansion, and revision of the Schroder edition (online and paperback). It contains discussions of many additional young-earth arguments, including those relating to Noah's flood. It also includes a new chapter on the surprising history of the young-earth teaching and the recent origins of flood geology. A new appendix has also been added which answers the question of whether turning water into wine was an example of God creating false evidence.

Need more info about new look, please visit

New look for optical microscopy

15 November 2005

Physicists in Switzerland and Germany have made a new type of optical microscope that can produce images without capturing light from the sample. The new device relies on measuring changes in the properties of a gold nano-particle placed next to the sample. The "nanoantenna" could have application in sensing devices (Phys. Rev. Lett. 95 200801).

Scientists have known for many years that the electronic structure of an atom can be modified by placing it close to a boundary. Now, Vahid Sandoghdar and colleagues at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich, the Zuse Institute in Berlin, and the University of Potsdam, also in Germany, have exploited this phenomenon to perform high-resolution microscopy.

new look for optical microscopyFigure 1
The new technique is very different from other forms of optical microscopy because it does not involve the detection of photons from the object being imaged. Instead, it relies on measuring how the intrinsic properties of the gold nanoantenna -- such as its resonance frequency and line width -- change when it is placed close to a sample.

Sandoghdar and co-workers began by mounting a single gold nanoparticle on the end of a glass fibre tip. Next, they focussed white light from a Xenon lamp onto the end of the tip, which excited a resonance frequency in the nanoantenna. Finally, they measured the resonance wavelength and line width of the antenna while scanning it across the surface of a sample (figure 1). By plotting these quantities for different positions of the tip with respect to the sample, they were able to obtain an image (figure 2).

new look for optical microscopyFigure 2
Although Sandoghdar and co-workers used photons to read the spectrum of the nanoantenna, they say that electric current could easily be used to excite a resonance frequency in the gold instead. Moreover, the method is capable of sub-wavelength resolution because imaging takes place very close to the sample in its "near field".

"I am not sure how far this method will go into applications as a real microscopy method – that is, you give me an unknown sample and I will tell you what it is made of – but one promising application is in sensing," says Sandoghdar. "We have shown that we can have a controlled nanoscopic probe that is very sensitive to slight changes of the dielectric constant in its surroundings."

Want to read more articles about new look, please visit Physics Web


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