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The Yahoo! Weather RSS Service

The Yahoo! Weather RSS service allows you to keep track of the weather at your favorite locations in an RSS reader or on My Yahoo!.

The simplest way to subscribe to an RSS feed is to go to the page for your favorite city and click the Orange RSS button.

You can also make custom links to whatever city you'd like. The Weather RSS Service takes two parameters:
'p' for the location identifier. This can either be a US Zip Code or the location ID as displayed on Yahoo! Weather.
'u' for units preference. (F)ahrenheit is the default. Use 'C' for celcius.

These links all return the weather forecast for Sunnyvale, California with temperatures in fahrenheit.

Terms of use

The feeds are provided free of charge for use by individuals and non-profit organizations for personal, non-commercial uses. We ask that you provide attribution to Yahoo! Weather in connection with your use of the feeds.

If you provide this attribution in text, please use: "Yahoo! Weather." If you provide this attribution with a graphic, please use the Yahoo! Weather logo that we have included in the feed itself.

We reserve all rights in and to the Yahoo! Weather logo, and your right to use the Yahoo! Weather logo is limited to providing attribution in connection with these RSS feeds.

Yahoo! also reserves the right to require you to cease distributing these feeds at any time for any reason.

For application developers

While the Weather RSS feeds provide human-readable HTML in the description tag, we've also extended RSS so the weather data can be used by application developers. In fact, the weather widget in Konfabulator uses this same RSS feed. You'll find this data in expressed in the 'yweather' XML namespace. Below are some sample tags and descriptions of their attributes.

<yweather:location city="Sunnyvale" region="CA" country="US"/>
city: the name of the city
country: the country
region: the state, territory or national region of this city

<yweather:units temperature="F"/>
temperature: the units of temperature values in this feed, either F or C.

<yweather:condition text="Clear" code="34" temp="76" date="Mon, 25 Jul 2005 2:56 pm PDT"/>
code: A number representing the condition. See below for a complete list of possible condition codes.
date: The date and time of the last report
temp: The current temperature
text: Short text description of the predicted condition

<yweather:forecast day="Mon" date="25 Jul 2005" low="60" high="81" text="Clear" code="31"/>
code: A number representing the condition. See below for a complete list of possible condition codes.
date: The actual date of this forecast
day: The day of the week of this forecast
high: The predicted high temperature for this day
low: The predicted low temperature for this day
text: Short text description of the predicted condition

The feed also includes latitude and longitude (when available) ala geoRSS
<geo:lat>37.39</geo:lat> <geo:long>-122.03</geo:long>

Condition Codes

The "code" number for each condition can be translated to text or an image using the following values.
0 tornado
1 tropical storm
2 huricane
3 severe thunderstorms
4 thunderstorms
5 mixed rain and snow
6 mixed rain and sleet
7 mixed snow and sleet
8 freezing drizzle
9 drizzle
10 freezing rain
11 showers
12 showers
13 snow flurries
14 light snow showers
15 blowing snow
16 snow
17 hail
18 sleet
19 dust
20 foggy
21 haze
22 smoky
23 blustery
24 windy
25 cold
26 cloudy
27 mostly cloudy (night)
28 mostly cloudy (day)
29 partly cloudy (night)
30 partly cloudy (day)
31 clear (night)
32 sunny
33 fair (night)
34 fair (day)
35 mixed rain and hail
36 hot
37 isolated thunderstorms
38 scattered thunderstorms
39 scattered thunderstorms
40 scattered showers
41 heavy snow
42 scattered snow showers
43 heavy snow
44 partly cloudy
45 thundershowers
46 snow showers
47 isolated thundershowers
3200 not available

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