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Products & Services

UCP’s Product’s and Services Channel provides information on assistive technology products and services for persons with disabilities.

February 3, 2006
UCP AffNet Entrance [password required]
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Products & Services

A wide range of products and services are available for people with varying disabilities to assist with daily living. You may need an adapted spoon with a curved handle, an adapted keyboard or workspace or grocery delivery services. If you look, you can probably find something to fit your needs.

With a click of your mouse, you can have access to a host of products and services. UCP offers the information in this section to you as a service and a starting point. If you know of a product or service that is not listed, please contact us with your suggestion so that others may benefit, as well.

Note: Unless otherwise noted, UCP does not endorse any specific product or service found in this section but instead is providing the information as a public service.

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