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Equity research for duly delivery of highly valued business insights
Added on 01/10/2006 to Articles Directory / Markets / Investments / Equities

An equity research is a necessary point, which provides an investor with an experience and information updates he needs in order to make confident decisions and effective transactions of his funds. The below information will help you find out the ways for the right organization of the research. A proper approach to get successful results in your investing is always useful.
Equity research for duly delivery of highly valued business insights

Cash flow marketing - the whale of your business
Added on 01/10/2006 to Articles Directory / Markets / Investments / Cash Flow

It is evident for every manager of nowadays that no success is possible without Cash Flow marketing and calculating possible advantages and losses beforehand. Whether you plan short- or long-term funding requirements of a business, it is both important to forecast the likely cash requirements than to project profitability and rentability. Let us see the most important things, which will guarantee long-term profits for your business.
Cash flow marketing - the whale of your business

Successful strategies in financial trading
Added on 01/10/2006 to Articles Directory / Markets / Investments / Capital Market Investments

Like a Cinderella story there are also successful experiences in business, which do not really happen on a light move of a magic wand, but a demand strained labor and brain work. One of those successes belongs to Koch Industries Inc., which story you will find out now and will probably learn something useful to imply in your own business. Let us see the strategies of this world known leader, which brought it to the top of the financial trading. It would be also helpful to know the problems, which you may face, when entering the world of financial market.
Successful strategies in financial trading

Financial investment portfolio for your business strategies
Added on 01/06/2006 to Articles Directory / Markets / Investments / Financial Portfolio

If you are a business person, you are certainly the one to have come across the financial investment portfolio term. If you want to make more money and are looking for higher returns for your personal investments, you need to get acquainted with these three words closer by all means. Whatever your financial goals are, there are strategies to help you in fulfilling them; would you like to know them better?
Financial investment portfolio for your business strategies

IRA - consider your personal demands
Added on 12/28/2005 to Articles Directory / Markets / Investments / Individual Retirement Account

An individual retirement arrangement, or IRA, is something, deserving attention both of an employer and an employee. This is a personal savings plan, which allows you to set aside money for retirement, while offering you tax advantages. Correspondingly, this is a profitable way of investing for your retirement, enabling you to deduct some or all of your contributions. Finding out its peculiarities can always be helpful.
IRA - consider your personal demands

Fixed income securities - the bond investing priveledges
Added on 12/28/2005 to Articles Directory / Markets / Investments / Fixed Income

If you are looking for an investment, providing a return in the form of fixed periodic payments and an eventual return of principle at maturity - fixed income securities are such kind of investment. Unlike a variable-income security, where the returns you expect may vary on some underlying measure (such as short-term interest rates), fixed-income securities payments are known in advance. Learn about the types, see the degree of risks, and find out the pluses of fixed-income securities.
Fixed income securities - the bond investing priveledges

Fixed income investing - stable gains and possible losses
Added on 12/20/2005 to Articles Directory / Markets / Investments / Fixed Income

If you invest your money into Certificates of Deposit, Corporate Bonds, Government-sponsored Enterprises, Mortgage-backed Securities, Municipal Bonds, Zero Coupon Bonds, Insured Corporate Bonds or Municipal Bonds, you deal with fixed income investments. This type of investments is an important part of your investing business, which also provides an investor with stable fixed profits and certain risks. Let us know a little more about the fixed income investing.
Fixed income investing - stable gains and possible losses

Portfolio management - a tool of clear benefits
Added on 12/20/2005 to Articles Directory / Markets / Investments / Financial Portfolio

What are the secrets of portfolio management, making it so popular and needed? What are the benefits of portfolio management and which way can you develop the financial portfolio for successful investments? Several secrets and some more are to be overviewed in this article to help you with this so important sphere of financial strategies and business decisions.
Portfolio management - a tool of clear benefits

Cash flow analysis - the determining factor of the business state
Added on 12/04/2005 to Articles Directory / Markets / Investments / Cash Flow

Cash flow is essentially the movement of money into and out of your business - it is something that determines the business' solvency. If you are to invest in an organization, a cash flow analysis is the first thing you need to do about the object of investment. Examining the components that affect the cash flow, you will manage to know a positive or negative tendency, concerning this or that certain business.
Cash flow analysis - the determining factor of the business state

Annuity rates or standing on the edge of retirement
Added on 12/04/2005 to Articles Directory / Markets / Investments / Fixed Annuities

Starting from ten thousand up to half a million dollars of initial annuity investments, people try to protect themselves from the times, when the protection of their power and energy is to leave them. What does an annuity mean, what are the guarantees for your spouse and what, actually, should you start from, when coming to the retirement age? Receive the answers to these questions and consider the alternatives, protecting not only you, but your relatives as well.
Annuity rates or standing on the edge of retirement

Fixed term deposits - intelligent investment
Added on 12/02/2005 to Articles Directory / Markets / Investments / Capital Market Investments

If you are looking to invest in a safe place and earn a competitive rate on your money, consider fixed term deposits and reliable organizations for your investments. This type of investment allows obtaining profits, when investing for the term from twenty four hour at-call to thirty days or three years - any term you would prefer. Let us see the peculiarities and advantages of fixed term deposit investments.
Fixed term deposits - intelligent investment

Types of annuities the people choose for steady income
Added on 11/29/2005 to Articles Directory / Markets / Investments / Fixed Annuities

Variable and fixed annuity types are major ones to decide between, when planning your retirement or a simply monthly income. It would be useful to know the difference between those annuities is and which one is the most suitable for you personally. Let us see which annuities guarantee your constant income and worthy living in retirement, minimizing those risks and taking the most advantage from the one you choose.
Types of annuities the people choose for steady income

AIMA’s alternative investments and work principles
Added on 11/23/2005 to Articles Directory / Markets / Investments / Alternative Investments

AIMA is a leading global hedge fund and an alternative investment industry association. This abbreviation includes the team of leading professional investors of over seven hundred corporate members in forty three countries. Founded in 1990, AIMA is a not-for-profit global trade association, dealing specifically with hedge funds, managed futures and managed currency funds. The principles of its work and success are stated below.
AIMA’s alternative investments and work principles

Ways to avoid churning and other frauds in your stock's business
Added on 11/17/2005 to Articles Directory / Markets / Investments / Broker Tactics

Churning is something, a person runs across very often, when working in the sphere of buying and selling stocks. There are situations, when you are not always able to control your broker in the process of deals, concerning your property. The excessive selling or buying of stocks by a broker on an investor's behalf is called churning. Let us find out which measures will provide a relative safety from frauds in this case.
Ways to avoid churning and other frauds in your stock's business

The advantages of an asset allocation account via your team of professionals
Added on 11/17/2005 to Articles Directory / Markets / Investments / Capital Directions

Asset allocation account is one more direction among capital investments. It is known, that successful business is almost impossible without a team of professionals. If you have no team on your own, you should address a reliable and safety one next to you. Check the SEC and NASD database and start working. What is asset allocation and which way you should start working with it, you will know from the related information below.
The advantages of an asset allocation account via your team of professionals

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