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Speed Tweak for Cable Modem users in Nome, Cordova, Kodiak, Bethel, and Barrow

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Only the following locations should apply this tweak: Nome, Cordova, Kodiak, Bethel and Barrow.

Updating or "tweaking" your PC to get more speed from your cable modem.
To ensure you are getting the maximum speed of your selected HyperNet package, you may need to update the registry of any computer hooked up to the GCI Internet cable modem. If you are happy with your cable modem speed, you do not need to make any adjustment.

Who this effects and why.
Currently this issue only applies to GCI HyperNet customers who live in Nome, Cordova, Kodiak, Bethel and Barrow. . The Internet connection in these areas travel over satellite and your computer operating system may be programmed in the factory to find the best connection speed designed for a land-based connection. By making a registry update, your computer may be "tweaked" into higher speed performance when using satellite-based Internet connections.


Detailed instructions of how to apply a patch to your PC's registry.

  1. For instructions on how to optimize your computer's speed, please go to:
  2. Once there, click on the "Broadband Patches & Programs" link and download the file based on your operating system. You should select one of the following files.
    • for Windows 95 / 98, 98se or ME
    • for Windows 2000 or Windows XP

      Click Picture for WinZip Download Page

    1. Note: GCI does not use PPOE. You do not need the speed tweaks with PPOE in the title.
    2. If running Windows 95 / 98, installing the associated patch for your operating system will assist with a math error in the TCP /IP stack:
    • 236926usa8.exe for Windows 98, 98se
    • 236926usa.exe for Windows 95
  3. The file you download from this site will be zipped. You will need to open this file using a program such as WinZip. A zipped file is a file that has been compressed to allow a faster transfer of the data, however you can not use the information in the zipped format. The file must be unzipped to allow you to use the data. Click here to go to the WinZip page. The evaluation version will work just fine, so select this free download. You can use the WinZip wizard to open the file.
  4. After unzipping the file, you will look for a file with a three letter extension of either inf or reg, the extension is after the dot, so it will look like "mtupatch98.reg".
  5. Double clicking on the file will start the patch, which will update the registry of your computer.
  6. You will need to shutdown and restart your computer for this patch to take effect.

A patch is a small program, which will make a change you your computer. In this case the patch will make a change to your PC's registry file. You could also change the registry in a manual mode. Incorrect changes to the registry could result in permanent data loss or corrupted files. If you want to attempt this registry modification, you will want to consult: your computer vendor, Microsoft Technical Support, or a local computer company. GCI did not write or maintain these patches, and can not assume any responsibility if applied to your computer. However other GCI customers have applied these patches with no reported problems, and it did assist their speed test.

Speed versus Capacity

Due to the satellite delay associated with these locations, speed tests may not accurately reflect your current capacity. To verify you are receiving the correct capacity, please perform the following steps:

  • Open a internet browser, such as Internet Explorer
  • Go to
  • Press the Control+N key combination 2 times. ( This will open up two new browsers to the same location)
  • Resize all three screens so you can see them on the screen at the same time. (See picture below)
  • On all three screens select the 1.06MB.
  • Click the start screen on all three screens as quickly as you can
  • One screen will contain all the speed tests
  • Upon completion of all three test, add up the lines Kbps, these numbers should add up close to your capacity.



Should everyone apply this registry update?
No, it is not recommended for all HyperNet users. Only the towns listed above should consider making changes to their registry. All other locations that currently have GCI HyperNet Cable Modem should NOT apply this patch. GCI does not recommend any other speed tweaks to your registry. You should receive your speed and bandwidth with out adjusting your registry.

Contact Technical Support
For other issues or questions, please contact Internet technical support via email at or via phone at 1-800-800-4800.
GCI technical support is open 24 hours a day / 7 days a week.

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