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Research and Educational Foundation

The UCP Research & Educational Foundation is the principal non-government agency in the USA sponsoring research directly related to the prevention of cerebral palsy and to improvement in the quality of life of persons with cerebral palsy and related developmental disorders.

February 3, 2006
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The UCP Research and Educational Foundation has two grant award programs:

  • Research Grant Program: Grants are awarded to institutions or organizations on behalf of a principal investigator in support of pilot studies in biomedical, behavioral and bioengineering research. These areas must have a significant relationship to cerebral palsy and closely related developmental brain disorders and can be in the basic and/or clinical sciences. This grant is generally awarded for up to 2 years at a maximum of $50,000 a year.
  • Hausman Clinical Research Scholars Award: Assists institutions in the United States to recruit promising clinician-investigators who have completed their training and who have recently initiated a program of clinical research and teaching. The award is made to help in their establishment as focal points for scholarly activities in areas of direct relevance to cerebral palsy and related developmental brain disorders; these scholarly activities include clinical research, teaching and associated clinical responsibilities. The clinical research program can be patient-based or a combined laboratory-patient activity. The Award is for a three-year period in the amount of $75,000 a year.

Application forms and instructions for each of these programs may be obtained by contacting:

UCP Research and Educational Foundation
1660 L Street, NW, Suite 700
Washington, DC 20036
Ph: 202-973-7140
Fax: 202-776-0414

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