Grants & Contracts
Our innovations enhance the present and help ensure a future of promise for children and adults with disabilities and their families. UCP continually searches for opportunities to fund innovations that improve services to people with disabilities (and their families) and promote their inclusion in their communities.
Since 1987, UCP has demonstrated national leadership in advancing choice, inclusion, and person-centered services for people with disabilities. UCP leads a variety of innovative projects that not only serve as a catalyst for policy change but also demonstrates quality and effective practices. Currently, our programmatic areas are employment, assistive technology, AmeriCorps, Learn and Serve, training residential providers, personal assistance services, and implementation of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Funded by both government and private foundation monies, UCP's innovative national demonstration projects (with implementation in regional and local sites) showcase effective new strategies that promote individual choice and control, enhance quality of life for children and adults with disabilities and their families, and encourages national and local systems change. Our project findings are distributed through training and technical assistance, manuals and monographs, fact sheets, FAQs, newsletters, list servs, Internet courses, audio and video teleconferences, workshops and seminars.