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More than 300 projects in result set. Displaying 20 per page.
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1. Serendipity PHP Weblog - Serendipity is a weblog/blog system, implemented with PHP. It is standards compliant, feature rich and open source (BSD License).
Activity Percentile: 71.124
Activity Ranking: 1439
Register Date: 2004-Nov-11 14:00

2. Server auf E7T-DBoard - An embedded http-server on a ARM development board (E7T-DBoard). I/O can read / set by any webbrowser.
Activity Percentile: 33.032
Activity Ranking: 3336
Register Date: 2004-Aug-26 20:32

3. Server Macro Expansion - SMX is a cross-platform dynamic HTML generation language. It is a high level language that is easier to learn than PHP or Perl, but is just as powerful for Web page creation. It was originally designed for developing financial reporting software, and is s
Activity Percentile: 0.321
Activity Ranking: 4965
Register Date: 2005-May-04 12:32

4. ShadowIRCd - ShadowIRCd is an advanced IRC daemon, designed for speed and stability. It also has a plethora of useful features.
Activity Percentile: 95.703
Activity Ranking: 215
Register Date: 2003-Nov-03 19:18

5. Serverstats - rrdtool harvester - Serverstats is a simple tool for creating graphs using rrdtool. Serverstats does not have any features to manage the created rrd-files, if you change anything you have to delete and recreate the files. Perhaps you can avoid this using third-party-tools
Activity Percentile: 84.217
Activity Ranking: 787
Register Date: 2005-Dec-16 10:23

6. Simple map Project Donate - Site map generator compatible with Google, with a graphical user interface. Build the map of your site in five minutes and register the generated file at Google for a complete referencing of your site.
Activity Percentile: 2.811
Activity Ranking: 4841
Register Date: 2006-Jan-16 13:52

7. Simple Samba Commander - Simple Samba Commander is a text mode SMB network commander. In SMBC, you can browse the local network or you can use the search function to find the files. You can also download/upload files and directories or create them both locally and remotely.
Activity Percentile: 88.635
Activity Ranking: 567
Register Date: 2003-Dec-12 17:28

8. Simple scAnning Tool - SAT (Simple scAnning Tool) is a simple and fast network scanner written in Python progamming language. It is used to identify network devices/services: the identification is based on recieved data (for example banners).
Activity Percentile: 86.466
Activity Ranking: 675
Register Date: 2005-Aug-01 11:38

9. Snaps! Gallery - Snaps! Gallery is an easy to install and use PHP image gallery. It aims to be simple, powerful, and customizable.
Activity Percentile: 93.815
Activity Ranking: 309
Register Date: 2004-Dec-29 22:37

10. Software Suspend - Kernel patches and tools providing OS based support for suspending your Linux computer.
Activity Percentile: 99.639
Activity Ranking: 19
Register Date: 2004-Feb-03 05:25

11. Solar Empire Extended - YASEF (Yet Another Solar Empire Fork) is a project that joins together the two devteams of italians version of solar empire.
Activity Percentile: 53.112
Activity Ranking: 2336
Register Date: 2005-Mar-07 20:57

12. Solaris Package System - The Solaris Package System is a framework for and repository of Makefile "recipes" that can be used to build Solaris packages out of software source tarballs. It supplies the missing link between widely available source and Solaris binaries.
Activity Percentile: 86.727
Activity Ranking: 662
Register Date: 2002-Jan-28 16:41

13. Solar Empire Xibit
Activity Percentile: 75.161
Activity Ranking: 1238
Register Date: 2003-Apr-12 21:23

14. SourceWell - SourceWell is an Open Source Software Announcement and Retrieval System implemented using PHP and MySQL database.
Activity Percentile: 97.49
Activity Ranking: 126
Register Date: 2000-Nov-23 15:08

15. StatCvs-XML - enhanced CVS statistics - StatCvs-XML provides statistics about cvs usage based on the cvs log. It extends the StatCvs project with fancy 3D charts, advanced report generation and customization features. It also features a plugin for seamless integration with Apache Maven.
Activity Percentile: 98.896
Activity Ranking: 56
Register Date: 2003-Jun-16 12:08

16. Sternkontrolle - "Sternkontrolle" ist ein Übersetzungsprojekt für "The Ur-Quan Masters". Die UQM-Projektseite ist unter folgender Adresse zu finden:
Activity Percentile: 93.193
Activity Ranking: 340
Register Date: 2003-May-14 22:57

17. StoffelLoc - StoffelLOC is a tiny tool to count the lines of code in a single file or a whole structure. I use it for Java, JSP and JavaScript (ServerSide) files.
Activity Percentile: 72.088
Activity Ranking: 1391
Register Date: 2002-Feb-05 18:30

18. StreamOnTheFly - StreamOnTheFly is a multisite audio archive, radio station management and audio publication system. It uses standardized metadata schemes and offers extensions for station management, RSS or podcasting.
Activity Percentile: 92.831
Activity Ranking: 358
Register Date: 2005-Aug-23 15:00

19. SuperTux - SuperTux is a classic 2D jump'n run sidescroller game in a style similar to the original SuperMario games.
Activity Percentile: 98.213
Activity Ranking: 90
Register Date: 2005-Apr-02 22:58

20. Sutfak - Sutfak is a dictionary program for the aritificial language Lojban (, written in Perl5/Tk. Features include lookups by Lojban and English words, definition searching by regex, and lujvo decomposition.
  • Development Status: 5 - Production/Stable [Filter]
  • Intended Audience: End Users/Desktop [Filter]
  • License: Artistic License [Filter]
  • Natural Language: English [Filter]
  • Programming Language: Perl [Filter]
Activity Percentile: 80.522
Activity Ranking: 971
Register Date: 2003-Nov-29 20:47

More than 300 projects in result set. Displaying 20 per page.
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