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Fishing for Salmon in Washington

Salmon Fishing in Washington   Beautiful Spring Chinook Salmon Fishing in Washington and Oregon  Fall King




Salmon Fishing, Steelhead, Sturgeon  Guide Eli Rico is also known as the most successful multi-species (Steelhead, Salmon, Sturgeon, Walleye and Trout) guides in the State of Washington for years!

You WILL catch fish with Eli and also learn how to improve your Sturgeon, Steelhead & Salmon fishing skills while having a great time with an excellent and willing instructor!

Eli guides more than 300 days a year. He fishes on the Snohomish River system, the Quillayute River system and Olympic Peninsula

Based in the Seattle area and owner of Hot Shot Guide Service, Eli Rico is one of the most well-rounded Steelhead, Sturgeon and Salmon Fishing Guides in Washington and Oregon!

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Please enjoy our "Salmon fishing", Salmon Fishing in Washington and Oregon techniques page. In this section you will find information from Eli Rico and other writers on all of the types of successful Salmon fishing in Washington and Oregon including the Cowlitz river, Columbia river, Skykomish river, Lewis river, Kalama river,  Buoy 10, Olympic peninsula rivers and many other rivers of Oregon and Washington's beautiful Northwest. Included are maps, rigging, We will cover the rods, reels, baits, lures, fish run timing and fishing techniques on popular salmon fishing rivers in Oregon, Washington, and around the Pacific Northwest.

Chinook or King are the largest of the species, with some individuals growing to more than 100 pounds. These huge fish are rare, as most mature chinook are under 50 pounds. They enter our river systems from March through October.


Washington Steelhead Fishing

Washington Rivers with guide Eli Rico near Seattle Washington Limits on the Cowlitz River Summer RunGreat experience with your kids

The same species as Rainbow Trout, but rainbow spend their lives in freshwater only. 

We can help you develop your skills as a fisherperson and build your confidence - which will yield more hookups!

Washington trips include the legendary Olympic Peninsula rivers and the Skykomish, Lewis, Kalama and Cowlitz rivers among others.

Bright Winter Run Steelhead  30 pound Steelhead  Memories last a lifetime

Washington King Salmon Fishing

Fall Salmon on Washington and Oregon's Columbia River with  guide Eli Rico near Portland Oregon Drano King SalmonFall King Salmon Columbia River

Chinook King Salmon are the largest of the Pacific Salmon, with some individuals growing to more than 100 pounds. These huge Salmon are rare, as most mature chinook are under 50 pounds. Chinook or King Salmon is an annual event looked forward to by many of our customers

Coho (Silver) Salmon Fishing

Skykomish Silver

Coho Salmon are a very popular sport fish in Washington. This species of Salmon uses coastal streams and tributaries, and is often present in small neighborhood streams. Coho can even be found in urban settings if their needs of cold, clean, year-round water are met.

Chum "Dog" Salmon Fishing

Huge Chum SalmonTake a kid fishingLimits Silvers and Chum Salmon

Chum Salmon are also very popular sport fish in Washington. The 15-30 pound Chum are a great sport fish - they bite eagerly and fight hard...Days of Fish till your arms ache are common...20-40 fish in a day!

Trophy Sturgeon on the Columbia River near Portland OregonColumbia River sturgeon

Washington Oregon Sturgeon Fishing

A Keeper is a Sturgeon between 42" and 60" in length. This fish may be retained when caught. The Keeper is easily distinguished because it shakes the rod somewhat slowly and will run hard taking line off the reel at least for a few seconds.

Salmon Fishing Washington Steelhead Fishing - Washington Salmon Fishing- Guide - Guides - Guided Fishing for Salmon - Guides - Charters - Fishing for Salmon in Washington - Fishing for Salmon in Washington - Columbia River Salmon Fishing - Cowlitz River Salmon Fishing - Guided Salmon Fishing - Bonneville Dam Salmon Fishing - Portland Oregon - Salmon Fishing information - Fishing - tips - techniques - bait - tackle - Salmon fishing reports - charters -Olympic Peninsula salmon fishing - Guided fishing trips - salmon fishing - Seattle - Portland - Cowlitz river - Lewis River - Olympic Peninsula Fishing Guides -  Washington - Vancouver - how to catch salmon - fishing for salmon - salmon fishing rivers - King salmon - Washington salmon - Chinook salmon fishing - King Salmon Fishing - Guides - Coho Salmon Fishing - spring Chinook salmon fishing - silver salmon fishing - chum - sockeye - Springers - chinook - Columbia Chinook Salmon - Northwest Salmon Fishing - Washington Salmon Fishing - techniques -Lures - tips - Washington Steelhead Fishing reports - rivers -  Washington




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