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Yahoo! Help - Tips
Here are some tips for better results.

  • Yahoo! Help is not an Internet Search.
    The purpose of Yahoo! Help is to answer your questions about Yahoo! Features and Services. Please visit to search the web.

  • Question format.
    Yahoo! Help is able to answer natural language queries. So, it will know the difference between "How can I change my password?" and "What is my password?". We strongly recommend that you be as specific as possible when entering your query. The more detailed the question the better the results.
    • Good sample questions have ample information and are not vague:
      • How do I create a web page?
      • How do I use Yahoo! Address AutoComplete?
      • How do I cancel my account?
    • Vague questions are likely to bring back vague answers:
      • web page
      • AutoComplete
      • Cancel

  • Only include concepts relevant to your question.
    If your question contains irrelevant concepts, the engine is less likely to succeed in answering your question. For example, "I bid on a necklace on Yahoo! Auctions and then changed my mind and I no longer want it. How do I cancel my bid?" has extra concepts. "How do I cancel my bid?" will be more effective.

  • Spelling is important for a successful search.
    If you aren't getting the results you want, double-check the spelling of your question.

  • Boolean operators like "AND", "NOT", and "OR" are not necessary, and will be treated as words in your question rather than as logical operators.

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