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What is Herbalife?

Herbalife is a total wellness company offering high-quality weight-loss, nutritional and
personal-care products. Our products are sold by a team of more than one-million
independent Distributors in more than 57 countries worldwide.

Why Herbalife?

It is simple because at Herbalife we've put together a panel of distinguished scientific experts
to create a step-by-step program to guide you back to the healthy, energetic and vital
person nature intended you to be. We have assembled herbs, botanicals and supplements
from every corner of the globe in just the right combinations for enhancing your life.

What Makes Herbalife Different From Other Companies?

Herbalife believes in simplifying good nutrition, making improved health, weight management
and enhanced personal care easy to understand and available to everyone for a lifetime.
Our Distributors can customize programs just for you to make it easy to achieve your
wellness goals. Plus, we're the only company with Cellular Nutrition® technology for your
maximum benefit.

What Exactly Is This Program?

This program is a scientifically formulated, herbal-based calorie-reduced nutrition program. It
is centered around our unique high-energy, protein-rich, nutritional "shake" or meal
replacement drink to which have been added food supplements containing important
vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids and nutritional herbs. This program has been used
for weight control and health enhancement since 1980 by literally thousands and thousands
of individuals around the world. Currently, these programs are available for sale in 36
countries. It is important to know what this program is NOT. It is not a pharmocological
treatment, not a total or protein supplemented fasting diet, and not a very low calorie diet
(VLCD provide less then 500 kcal). This program is simply a healthy dietary supplement.

What Is Cellular Nutrition?

In order for your cells to function optimally, they must be able to absorb the nutrients you
consume. Starting in the digestive tract, you need both balanced nutrition and receptive
cells to accomplish this. When either or both of these systems are impaired, memory, clear
thinking, problem solving and even mood can be affected. This is why Herbalife's
revolutionary Cellular Nutrition Program is essential for your good health.

What Is Herbalife Ouer Nutrition?

Science has discovered that many of the same nutrients and botanicals that support good
health when taken internally can also enhance appearance and well-being used externally.
Herbalife has used this principle to develop a range of personal-care formulas, for body,
skin and hair.

Can Herbalife Help Me Lose Weight And Keep It Off?

Yes! For 23 years we've helped millions of satisfied customers achieve their ideal weight and
maintain it with our scientifically advanced weight-management programs. We offer both a
calorie-controlled and a carbohydrate-controlled approach to weight loss, helping you find
the program that works best for you. Based on improved Cellular Nutrition®, Herbalife's
weight-management programs can help you feel better, have more energy and maintain a
healthy weight for life.

Do You Lose Weight Because You Skip Meals?

No. This calorie-reduced program encourages participants to eat three meals daily. Two
usual meals are in the form of our nutritionally balanced meal replacement drink, and the
third is any meal of your choice. In addition, there has devised a seven-day recommended
meal plan which is distributed with its program. In our view diets which require people to skip
meals, are unhealthy and stimulate binge eating.

Is This A Liquid Protein Or Starvation Diet?

This program is neither of these. When properly followed, our program supplies at least
1000 calories daily and is nutritionally complete so that it promotes safe and effective
weight-loss. "Liquid protein" diets, which use nutritionally unbalanced protein-based drinks,
or starvation diets, which reduce calories so low (less than 500 kcal daily) that people
literally starve to lose weight, are both extremely unhealthy and have less than 20%
long-term success.

How Does It Work?

It supplies the balanced nutrition the body needs on a daily basis. Individuals, who choose
to, can promote their weight-loss by reducing excess calories without sacrificing important
nutrients like protein, potassium and iron. As a result, they feel their best while they lose
both excess weight and inches.

Is This Natural?

This program is based entirely on nutrition and herbs. The program does not use drugs,
medications, hormones or other synthetic agents to promote weight loss. All ingredients in
the program must fulfill three important conditions: purity, potency and stability. This is how
we maintain the high level of quality associated with the program's name.

What Causes The Feeling Of Increased Energy? Is It Caffeine?

The weight loss and energy-enhancing effects of this program are the result of its
scientifically balanced nutritional formula. They are not due to caffeine or any natural or
synthetic stimulant. The herbal guarana product contains pure guarana which has a
naturally occurring caffeine content of about 30 mg per tablet (the same amount of caffeine
as a small cola drink). No chemical caffeine is added to our guarana product, and there is no
caffeine in any other of these products.

Are The Vitamin Levels, Like Vitamin A, High? Are They Safe?

The levels of vitamins and minerals in all formulas are carefully designed to assure that
individuals consuming them will develop neither deficiencies nor excesses. All of the
formulas are created to assure that all individuals, regardless of their nutritional needs,
receive optimum nutrition. Studies demonstrate there is no "buildup" of vitamins or minerals
associated with use of these products, including Vitamin A. In formulating these products
there has been taken special care to assure that Vitamin A levels are completely safe and
never lead to accumulation, even when consumed together with a diet rich in Vitamin A.

What Do The Herbs Do And Are They Safe?

Herbs are nature's nutritional bounty. They are rich sources of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and
related nutrients essential for good health. The herbal mixtures used in these products have
been created by experts to maximize nutritional potency. The herbs are of the highest quality
available anywhere in the world and are free of pesticide residues and other possible
contaminants. Tableting of the herbal mixtures occurs under strict quality control to assure
both purity and safety.

Can Everyone Use These Products?

Since these products are nutritional food supplements they are safe. However, certain
individuals including children, pregnant or lactating women, insulin dependent diabetics and
those with compromised kidney function are advised to consult with their physician before
beginning this or any weight loss program. It is not recommended for individuals with high
blood pressure to use some of energy products. It is always advisable to consult with a
physician when changing your diet.

Has This Program Been Tested?

Absolutely. The program has had extensive clinical testing in the United Slates, Great Britain
and Italy. All of the studies have demonstrated that the products are safe and effective on
both a short term and long term basis. In addition, each batch of these products is
quality-control tested to ensure product integrity before it is shipped anywhere in the world.

Does This Diet Require Follow-Up By A Trained Professional?

This Weight Control Program has been specifically designed by experts and doctors in the
fields of food technology and nutritional medicine so that it is completely self-explanatory
and therefore does not require or expect nutritional expertise on the part of its user.
However, certain individuals including children, pregnant or lactating women, insulin
dependent diabetics and those with compromised kidney function are advised to consult with
their physician while they are on the program. The distributors are trained by the company's
Medical and Scientific Advisory Board to provide an exemplary customer service.

Does This Program Change Eating Habits?

This program promotes good nutritional habits like reducing fat, fried foods, salt and sugar
in the diet and increasing fiber and complex carbohydrates. Most important, it teaches
individuals how to achieve and maintain an ideal weight. It is a lifetime health program that
helps individuals make informed choices about their diets and, as a result, change their lives
for better.

Is Exercise A Part Of The Program?

The program encourages participants to follow a healthy life style that includes good
nutrition, regular exercise, moderation in the use alcohol and avoiding tobacco use. Many
people cannot exercise because of serious injuries or other health problems. Even these
individuals can use the program to aid their weight-loss because this program was designed
to benefit people who exercise as well as those who can't.

Is There Enough Fluid And Fiber In These Products?

When followed as recommended, the program provides approximately four pints of liquid
and 25 grams of fiber. This is more than is found in the average diet of industrialized
countries and is the level recommended by health authorities world-wide.

Is This Program Recommended By Doctors?

Absolutely. The Medical and Scientific Advisory Board tests and researches these products
and continually monitors reports of results sent by customers and distributors. In addition,
many physicians and other health professionals in all parts of the world use these products
both in their personal lives and in their practices.

Does The FDA Have A Problem With Herbalife? Is It Approved?

In 1986 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration thoroughly evaluated the Herbalife Program
and issued a statement declaring that all of the Herbalife products were safe. The FDA does
not actually approve any nutritional product or food supplement, which is what the Herbalife
products are categorized as, only drugs, and medications. In addition, whenever Herbalife is
introduced into a new country, it is reviewed by that country's government before it is
approved for importation and distribution.

Has The Herbalife Program Been Tested?

Absolutely, the Herbalife program has had extensive clinical testing in the United States and
Great Britain. All of the studies have demonstrated that Herbalife products are safe and
effective on both the short term and long term basis. In addition, each batch of Herbalife
products is quality-control tested to ensure product integrity before it is shipped anywhere in
the world.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This
product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.