The southernmost land mass on earth is a place of extremes. It has the world’s coldest climate and almost 24-hour darkness, which serve to compound the isolation of a place where ice and weather set the schedules, not clocks and calendars.
The folks of Barrow, Alaska, live in the USA’s northernmost community. Unreachable by road, Barrow is 1800km from Alaska’s capital, Anchorage. Look to the skies for a perpetually encircling summer sun and occasional natural lightshow of an aurora.
The frozen, vast and barren landscape spans a colossal 13,488,500 sq km (5,207,900 sq m). The magnificent Trans-Siberian train steams its way across southern Siberia through its major towns, including Omsk – about 2500km (1550mi) east of Moscow.
Cliffs of Moher...
The bitingly cold Atlantic Ocean claws at these 230m (754ft) cliffs, which stretch 8km (5mi) along Ireland’s west coast. Standing atop the rugged precipice peering out to an unending horizon lends a humbling sense of seclusion.
Death Valley...
One of the world’s hottest places (with average summer temperatures of 38°C, or 100°F), the lonely arid desert of Death Valley embodies Old Testament severity with salient features such as Furnace Creek, Funeral Mountain and scattered ghost towns.
Jan Mayan...
The volcanic island of Jan Mayen, 950km (590mi) west of mainland Norway, has a population somewhere between 18 and 20, plus one dog. The tiny team of meteorological observers have the stunning North Atlantic island all to themselves.
Amazon Basin...
Located 1000km (620mi) upstream from the great Amazon River, Bolivia’s section of the Amazon Basin is a deep mysterious Eden, encompassing 1.5 million hectares of dramatic scenery and verdant wildlife. It’s very Indiana Jones.
The simple purity of this Arctic archetype is stunning. Northern lights, icebergs and plunging fiords are residents here. It is harsh country: home to fewer humans than Monaco in a million times more space.
Easter Island...
Enigmatic Easter Island, 3700km (2294m) west of the Chilean mainland, is the world’s most remote inhabited island. More Polynesian than Chilean, the presence of Pacific Islanders is as much a mystery as the origin of those famous stone heads.
Tucked in the southwest corner of Australia, Perth is the capital of the country’s largest and least populated state. Surrounded on all sides by desert or sea, the city’s assets include sunny weather, first-rate ocean beaches and hillside hideaways.
Worldwide, remote, landscape, isolation, Antarctica, Alaska, Russia, Ireland, USA, Norway, Bolivia, Canada, Chile & Easter Island, Perth
Rating 3.14
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