Residential Long Distance Telephone Service
The choice is clear. Since 1982, GCI has lowered the cost of long-distance telephone rates more than 50% for more than 90,000 Alaskans. A tradition of quality, service and value for Alaskans, by Alaskans.
It's got everything you need in life - TV, Internet, Local Phone and Long Distance service - for just $79.99 a month.
For more information call us at 1-800-800-4800 or stop by our statewide Customer Service centers for one-on-one service.
Long Distance Service Choices
Miles Ahead includes 500 minutes and dial-up Internet access. And Alaska Airlines Miles too!
GCI Anytime gives you 60 minutes free every month and low per minute rate of 7˘ for additional out-of-state calls and 15˘ for additional in-state calls. Learn how you can earn Alaska Airlines Miles!
The 6˘ Plan pay only 6˘ a minute on all your direct dial out-of-state calls and 14˘ a minute on all your direct dial in-state calls, 24 hours a day, with a low monthly plan fee of $2.99.
Taxes and Surcharges Summary and information about Taxes, Surcharges, Recovery and Funding Charges on your GCI Invoice.