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Weekly Market Report Terms

This report is issued by Blue Index Limited, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority.

Blue Index may use your email addresses for information relating to the market report subscription service and for marketing and promotional purposes, we will not pass your details on to any third parties.

The Report is prepared and distributed by Blue Index for information purposes only. The Report contains information and opinions, which may be used as the basis for trading undertaken by Blue Index.  The Report should not be construed as solicitation nor as offering advice for the purposes of the purchase or sale of any security, investment or derivative. The information and opinions contained in the Report were considered by Blue Index to be valid when published. The Report may also contain information provided to Blue Index by third parties. The source of such information will usually be disclosed in the Report. Whilst Blue Index has taken all reasonable steps to ensure this information is correct, Blue Index does not offer any warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of such information. Any person placing reliance on the Report to undertake trading does so entirely at their own risk and Blue Index does not accept any liability as a result.

Securities and Derivatives markets may be subject to rapid and unexpected price movements and past performance is not necessarily a guide to future performance. Short term trading in these markets is generally considered to be suitable only for the more experienced investor as is carries a high degree of risk.  The investor may not receive back the amount of his original investment and in certain circumstances may be liable for a greater sum than this. If in any doubt, please seek further advice. Tax law is is subject to change. Blue Index Ltd. 23-26 St. Dunstan's Hill, London, EC3R 8HN.

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