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Canada > British Columbia > Vancouver accommodations > Vancouver Bed and Breakfast > Kitsilano B&B's

The Cherub Inn is no longer open for reservations. Try the accommodations at Corkscrew Inn Vancouver B&B .

A Message from the Cherub Inn

If you are travelling to Vancouver’s Kitsilano area for a visit, we recommend the luxury Vancouver Bed and Breakfast accommodations at:
Corkscrew Inn Vancouver Bed and Breakfast
located in Kitsilano close to the Cherub Inn. The Innkeepers at the Corkscrew Inn Vancouver B&B (Wayne Meadows & Marnie DiGiandomenico) are doing a wonderful job in providing a very comfortable ambiance for their guests.

Dear past guests,
We have sold our property and will be moving in July. Thank you ever so much for your business. This is just a short note to let you know that the cherubs are retired. It’s been a wonderful ride since 1997.
Blessings to all, The Cherubs

Vancouver Bed and Breakfast Inn
Corkscrew Inn Vancouver Bed and Breakfast


The Corkscrew Inn B&B - Five Star luxury Vancouver Bed and Breakfast Accommodations 


Complimentary High-Speed Broadband Internet Access


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Common  misspellings related to Vancouver Bed and Breakfast accommodations include: Vancover accomodation, Van couver  accomodations, Vancover accomadations, Vancoover acomodation, and Vancuver accomadation.