What is BMI
BMI stands for Body Mass index is an estimate of the total
amount of body fat and Is dependent on a ratio of height to
We should aim to fall somewhere in the BMI healthy weight
range of 20 - 25 BMI.
A BMI less than 19 is considered to be a low BMI for most
people. Though it is not always unhealthy it may be associated
with health problems in some people. A BMI of 20-25 is considered
to be good. It may indicate a healthy weight for most people.
A BMI of greater than 25 is considered to be high and can
indicate being overweight. BMI of above 30 indicates obesity
and a BMI of above 40 indicates morbid obesity.
Note: A BMI greater than 25 is not always
to do with to much fat as BMI does not differentiate between
muscle and fat so an athlete may be muscular, with little
body fat, yet they may weigh more. The BMI scale is also not
suitable for children as results change with age or pregnant
A BMI calculator is available here.
