If you are having trouble sending or receiving mail, links to instructions on the most commonly used email software are below.
When you type your GCI.net username and password, the mail server names, and email address, use all lowercase letters and no spaces. CAPITAL LETTERS can confuse your email program and cause problems. To change or check your settings, follow the directions for your browser.
Ensure you set your email software to NOT leave a copy of the mail on the server. Your mail account has a 5 Mb disk space allotment. You may receive an error notification if you exceed that space, and your mailbox will not accept any additional mail. See the disk
quota exceeded page for more information.
For specific email software configuration information,
click below:
Netscape Messenger for Mac or PC
Outlook Express for PC (Internet Explorer)
Outlook Express for Mac (Internet Explorer)
When configuring other email software, your settings are:
User Name: your full name
Email address: emailaddress@gci.net (or alaska.com, ak.net, or your virtual domain name)
Incoming POP mail server: mail.gci.net
Outgoing SMTP mail server: smtp.gci.net
User ID: your GCI email user name
Password: your GCI email account password