The blue fulton is one of 4 of most popular catfish, to angle for and matures to over one hundered lbs.. Today's contender for the United States record of 124 pounds is from the Alton Ill. Sunday May 22, 2005. There are five hundred seventy two million lbs. of catfish farmed commercially. The recent , 6 28 2005,
find of the Lacantunia enigmatica catfish in Chiapas, Mexico is the only known specimen of catfish of prehistoric origins dating back to the age of dinosaurs.
World's largest catfish, was weighed at 646.2 pounds,
caught in the Area of Ton Le Sap in Cambodia., May 1,2005, and is also known as the Mekong Giant Catfish, and is being studied as a critically endangered species.
The river catfish grow to 45 pounds averaging 14 years but are known to live to 20 years.
The flattened head, of the goujon and the yellow color denotes the second biggest inland water catfish. The U.S. record is 98.50, pounds, Lake Palestine TX, in nineteen hundred ninety eight. These catfish can survive nineteen years and more. Virtually all species of catfish from fresh water is very good eating.
Catfish Stinkbait in the secret formulas, subsidise live bait for the favored attractant for catfish.