The Wayback Machine -
            "A unique Dating Service
            designed for MEN
      to find their special someone"


Loved the Tested Tip Sections...they read like a Dating Consumer Report -- he's been the"date-test-dummy" for all men!

- Tony Daniels
Los Angeles, CA

DM prepares men for battle with the opposite sex...with the skinny on how to go about it.

- Jerry Madison
Atlanta, GA




































































How To Pick Up Women

"Really Want To Learn How To Get Women?"

An Unrivaled Dating Service That's
Who Need Some Assistance In Finding,
Attracting, Meeting And Seducing Women...

From: Drew Patterson

Dear Friend,

The great excitement of pursuing women has always been the aura of the unknown, the sense of seduction, the romance and "especially the chase."  I've spent my lifetime devoted to the never-ending search of the opposite sex, like most men!  Along the way, I've had the good fortune and opportunity to date all types and ages of attractive females...with great success.  In almost every unique conquest I've learned, consciously and subconsciously, how to seduce women -- accomplished with charm, grace and style.

Now, I have meticulously assembled all this up-to-date insider dating advice and tips to help men through the mystifying maze of the dating and relating process.  With candid and extensive information, ascertained from real world experiences, that has been accumulated and refined over my active romantic life.  Whether you're looking for love or just playing the field, my powerful seduction guide will give you an insiders look at exactly what it takes to revitalize your social life and find romance -- regardless of your current social status, local or age.

Over the years, in many different social settings, I couldn't help but notice, time and again, how even the successful and handsome men, dressed to the nines with pockets full of cash, couldn't even speak to women -- even if pretty women were giving them obvious signs indicating they were interested.  (So I know that you don't have to be rich or a fashion model to attract females.)  After observing enumerable man women encounters, I kept seeing some of the same mistakes being made over and over again by MOST they'd all read the same terrible pick-up book.

As a result, from years of observing these anxiety-filled mating rituals, and with hands-on experience in the front lines, I realized I had the natural instincts, coupled with an uncanny ability to understand the intricate workings concerning the dynamics of the man-woman relationship -- the subtle art of seduction.  So, finally, I've methodically collected and systematically compiled all this insightful, revealing, down-to-earth and high-powered dating information ALL IN ONE PLACE...and I'm ready to share it with YOU.  I've put my indispensable research and priceless insider dating material online, written in plain simple English, with easy to follow step-by-step instructions.

You're about to discover the same inventive system that I've used in the singles jungle repeatedly to find women, attract females and seduce beautiful ladies.  I'll tell you precisely what will work in the demanding world of dating and why, and will enlighten you on exactly what you need to do to overcome your dating fears.  By having access to all this street-smart insider dating advice it will give you a realistic and fresh perspective on the current singles scene -- making a big difference in winning and losing.  Any one of my reliable Insider Dating Tips could yield incredible returns on the first date, thus, recouping your time and investment many times over. Click here to learn about the author.

In my coveted program I'll tell you how to quickly pre-qualify a lady, while speaking with her, by asking her the right questions to cut through all the verbiage to see if you even have a chance with her -- if not, next.  But, the best part is that most of my seduction strategies cost you nothing to implement.  Just by reading or listening to my easy to learn best selling dating guide you'll be able to skip the learning curve and make sense out of the complex and difficult dating environment of today's women.

Date Mentor's invaluable cutting edge course starts with a Motivational section so you can evaluate your current state of mind -- full of insightful and inspirational thoughts to prepare you for "positive action."  Followed by in-depth and informative segments on every aspect of concern a man might have about his body, fitness, health, grooming, etiquette and personal style. That's full of revealing TESTED TIPS, not only in these parts, but throughout the course that have actually been tried, used and proven to me. Also, I will challenge you with a face-to-face reality check that will help you to see where you need the most help. And candidly tell you what most men's glaring dating difficulties are -- crucial facts that most men don't have a clue about -- and will explain, in simple and frank terms, how to correct them.  As a result, helping you to obtain your desired goal...attracting females.  Next, I'll teach you various tactics on how and when to make your move so you'll get more positive responses from females, thereby, closing more deals. And, if you're tired of the highly competitive dog-eat-dog atmosphere of most nightclubs, then, I'll point you in new and unusual places to meet a whole different type of woman.  In addition, I'll discuss advanced levels of seduction, body chemistry, sex appeal, conversation dynamics, charisma and other sexual attractions most men are unaware of!  Allowing you to easily use the skills I teach to take your SEX life to exciting new levels.

Furthermore, you'll get current and up-to-date articles in the WHAT'S NEW section that covers the many important issues and topics that today's contemporary man needs to know...ASAP.  Plus much, much more!  There's no other Web Site or Book that even comes close to matching Date Mentor's scope, breath of information and EASE OF USE.

In fact, even if you're lacking social graces or are just too shy, you're not a lost cause -- MOST CASES ARE CORRECTABLE.  Just by reading or listening to my in-depth course it will empower you with a new sense of confidence.  Thereby, giving you back control of your life...enabling you to go after the beautiful ladies you've always wanted.

NOTE:  Men, let me ask you this?  What is it worth to ensure that you don't waste the next year of your life?  What's it worth to ensure you don't waste hundreds of more hours doing the same things you've already been doing?  Old habits are hard to break!  WHY?  Because you're comfortable with your old ways.  After all, it's what you know best, and changing would mean having to take Risks in order to break out of your Comfort Zone.  My course will teach you how to take control of your romantic destiny.

I know this Web page is a little long and if you're a single man doing OK with the ladies, then thank you for checking out DM's site anyway.  However, if you're not a ladies man and are having difficulties or struggles with the opposite sex, please read on.  Because you're the "type of guy" this Web site was put together for and I can truly help you.  If you've already decided to order my dynamic dating guide, click here now, and start learning today all of my "insider information" on how to find women, how to attract females, where to meet ladies and then how to seduce women -- plus much, much more!


Did you wake up this morning and it finally dawned on you that you were in your bed alone...again!  And wondered just where your love life went?  Have you tried the other dating services and are right back to "exactly" where you were in the first place with the only change being in your wallet?  Have you tried to get back into circulation but are having trouble meeting women you're really interested in?  Have you run out of options and don't know where to look or turn anymore?

Then DM has the answers for you.  I have a wealth of insightful and compelling information, accumulated and developed over my lifetime concerning how to charm women and then get them into bed ASAP -- all done with grace and class.  I will tell you why and how some men have all the luck, almost every time, with getting dates...and getting laid.  My tested, proven and "real" singles dating advice will prepare and then help guide you through the often confusing dating ritual.  In short, my special material WORKS!

You'll learn about my exclusive and workable knowledge in each of the following areas, plus everything a man "needs to know" about how to seduce women.

     How to Pre-Qualify women by asking the Right questions.

     First date advice, second date advice and that all important third (3rd)
            date...where you get her into bed...or not!

     How to attract ladies -- First Impressions.

     How to find out what she really likes before going on that first date
            and where to take a date.

     The most common mistakes men make that's often a "quick date killer"
            and things to do to have a "great" First Date.

     Tired of being turn down?  Learn a simple dating technique that
            will help you hear more yeses.


Have you tried any of the following ways to find female companionship:  Newspaper Personal Ads, Telephone Dating Services, Internet Date Matching, Old Dating Services or Matchmaking Companies?  And none of them have worked for you!  Or you just can't seem to find or get excited about the women you're currently attracting.  Please, click here to read testimonials from some of my satisfied bachelors.

The following list are some of the thoughts and beliefs that some men seem to be having today -- and I totally understand if you do -- all men have had them from time to time.  However, if any of the following statements are essentially keeping you from pursuing the opposite sex, then you can greatly benefit from taking Date Mentor's comprehensive dating course.

     I go out at night quite often but I'm too shy to approach women,
             even if they seem interested in me.

     When I get a date with a lady I like, something seems to
             inevitably happen, that I never understand, and I can't even get
             her on the telephone again much less a second date.

     I'm divorced and don't know if I'll ever start dating again.

     There just aren't any women left out there for me (this is exactly
              what the women are saying about men).

     I find most of the girls I date ONLY want to be friends with me --
             even though I'd really like to have sex with the majority of them!

Men, did any of the above statements reflect in "any way" how you've thought or felt recently?  If you said "yes" to any one of them and you're ready for a dramatic change in your life, then I can sincerely help you.

If you take Date Mentor's program before March 31, 2006, you'll get a "special discounted rate" of only $19.95 USD.  Which is $30.00 off my regular price of  $49.95 USD, if you act before the above date.  This One Time Charge is for UNLIMITED ACCESS!  And it's easy to order Online or it can be sent to you, via mail, in a Book or Audio CD format (easy listening for the busy singles).  Just Click Here to get my powerful course and you can start learning everything you need to know about!

Important Note:  If you're still not convinced, consider this. How many times have you taken a woman out, spent well over $100, and she won't even take or return your calls?  With my course, this will become a thing of the past.  Not only will you save time and money but you'll learn how to protect your heart as well.  This one time investment in your happiness literally pays for itself -- many times over!

Guys, there're single women everywhere and they're always complaining that there's just not enough good men out there to date.  So don't settle for your couch and TV remote -- or put your life on hold any longer!  If you're ready for a big change in your life, Click Here Now to order my program online.


Drew Patterson, President

P.S.  At Date Mentor your "privacy is one of our first priorities."  We take confidentially and security very serious and any and all information that's received from you will be vigorously protected.  And we will never sell, market names, e-mail addresses or any other privileged information about any of our customers or clients.

P.P.S.  We Request and Welcome Web Site feedback at:

Last Updated: February 1, 2006

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