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Most popular articles of category "Public Relations".

Let Your Body Language Be a Source of Your Sales Presentation Success
Added on 08/02/2005 to Articles Directory / Public Relations / PR and Promotion

Almost everyone knows that people send visual signals based on their body language. These signals are given by your postures, eye contact, gestures, facial expression, etc. It is important to know these signals to achieve success in business.
Let Your Body Language Be a Source of Your Sales Presentation Success

What Public Relations stand for or definition of Public Relations
Added on 06/05/2005 to Articles Directory / Public Relations

The aim of Public Relations is to establish two-way communication, provide knowledge and create mutual understanding between an organization and its public on whom its failure or success depends.
What Public Relations stand for or definition of Public Relations

Who creates public relations?
Added on 07/15/2005 to Articles Directory / Public Relations

The aim of any organization is to establish and to increase its strength on the market among many other companies. Everything is important: advertising, promotion, market research and marketing strategy, public relations, product development, sales, etc.
Who creates public relations?

People Who Are Involved In Public Relations
Added on 07/15/2005 to Articles Directory / Public Relations

Every product or service has a long way from the organization where is it produced to the customer. Its popularity, sales, receptivity and reputation depends on a lot of factors such as advertising, pricing, etc. In order to increase its profitability a company needs to establish a close contact with its target customers, in other words, to create public relations.
People Who Are Involved In Public Relations

Early Pioneers of Public Relations. Edward L. Bernays
Added on 07/15/2005 to Articles Directory / Public Relations

Among pioneers of PR there are such famous people as Edward L. Bernays, Kendrix, Carl Byoir, Arthur W. Page, Chet Burger and others. Their contribution into the development of public relations is really impressive and valuable.
Early Pioneers of Public Relations. Edward L. Bernays

Articles of category "Public Relations".

Some clues on International public relations
Added on 01/06/2006 to Articles Directory / Public Relations / Agencies / JohnstonWells Group

International PR is a very delicate and complicated area of the international marketing. Communications with customer audiences in other countries demands a special approach, deep knowledge of cross-cultural differences and language knowledge. All these factors make an international product promotion a rather risky investment if the previous thorough examination and PR analysis are not properly carried out.
Some clues on International public relations

Peppercom UK services
Added on 01/05/2006 to Articles Directory / Public Relations / Agencies / PepperCom

Peppercom is the company that was able to achieve excellent business results over the years of its existence. It all started in 1995 with a small office in Cody’s home and with a few small clients to work with. However, in the year of 2005, this company progressed and turned to be an international PR agency with fifteen Fortune 500 clients. Find out more about Peppercom UK and their services from this article.
Peppercom UK services

Hill and Knowlton UK services
Added on 01/04/2006 to Articles Directory / Public Relations / Agencies / Hill & Knowlton

Hill and Knowlton is one of the oldest public relations companies in the world. It has been operating in the market of PR services since 1927. In the United Kingdom, Hill and Knowlton has the largest team of healthcare professionals. In a addition, it offers its clients PR services in various areas, such as consumer marketing.
Hill and Knowlton UK services

Do public relations jobs offer brilliant future prospective?
Added on 01/03/2006 to Articles Directory / Public Relations / Agencies / Public Relations Consulting

Compared to other job occupations, PR jobs offer a significant demand growth for educated and skilled employees. PR jobs offer benefits of an interesting and creative work occupation together with a high level of income and career possibilities. Many PR consultants find jobs in PR agencies or PR departments of various organizations. However, PR jobs provide great opportunities for those, who prefer a self-employed sort of work.
Do public relations jobs offer brilliant future prospective?

Makovsky & Company PR agency
Added on 01/03/2006 to Articles Directory / Public Relations / Agencies / Makovsky & Co

For many companies it is crucial to build up and maintain strong brands. They do it through effective public and investor relations. Makovsky & Company is one of the world’s largest international PR companies, able to help its clients to make their communication effective and to create strong and lasting relationships with their consumers and b2b stakeholders.
Makovsky & Company PR agency

FitzGerald's approach to highly effective public relations
Added on 01/02/2006 to Articles Directory / Public Relations / Agencies / Fitzgerald Communications

PR is a marketing tool that allows you to be in charge over your brand positioning process and create a brand reputation that would serve your purposes the best. FitzGerald inc. has a special approach toward public relations. This company's main objective is to produce a meaningful and lasting effect of their clients' PR campaigns.
FitzGerald's approach to highly effective public relations

Gavin Anderson & Company partnership arrangements
Added on 01/02/2006 to Articles Directory / Public Relations / Agencies / Gavin Anderson & Co

PR is no longer a nice-to-have marketing ingredient. It is rather a must-to-have one. PR is a high-capacity marketing tool and PR agencies do their best to offer their clients a professional assistance in carrying out their public relations campaigns. A good example of such effort is the partnership relationships between Gavin Anderson and Fleishman-Hillard PR agencies.
Gavin Anderson & Company partnership arrangements

About the partnership with LaBreche Murray public relations firm
Added on 01/02/2006 to Articles Directory / Public Relations / Agencies / LaBreche Murray

Public relations can help companies to increase their intangible assets. Public relations campaigns are able to change or form key customer audiences’ perceptions about companies, brands and products. LaBreche Murray public relations firm can become a reliable partner both for local and international companies in the field of communication techniques.
About the partnership with LaBreche Murray public relations firm

Some clues on fund raising and the risks you run
Added on 01/02/2006 to Articles Directory / Public Relations / Agencies / GVR Public Relations Agency

Before you engage into fund raising activities, you have to consider several things. Those are: they way you will carry out this activity, the help you may want to use and the means through which you will do it. The Internet is a very potent tool of PR and communications. It may be a great and inexpensive way to reach people. However, there is some risk of getting into a conflict with the states’ laws for solicitation.
Some clues on fund raising and the risks you run

MRA public relations strategy
Added on 01/02/2006 to Articles Directory / Public Relations / Agencies / MRA

The misjudging of market conditions and customers’ perceptions of your company may turn out to be a costly business. That is the reason why successful PR campaigns have to be based on thorough market researches and to be planned and prepared by experienced marketing and PR specialists. The PR communication forms or changes the perceptions of your key audiences about your company and builds up your corporate reputation.
MRA public relations strategy

International communications problems
Added on 01/02/2006 to Articles Directory / Public Relations / Agencies / Fleishman-Hillard

International communications offer advertisers both: many enticing possibilities and many challenges. The difference in culture and language may turn to be an impossible to overcome obstacle for a beginner in international communications. A good solution for the situation might be the help of an international PR agency with local offices and local native staff on board with them.
International communications problems

Edelman PR strategies
Added on 01/02/2006 to Articles Directory / Public Relations / Agencies / Edelman Public Relations

PR is a key ingredient of every modern company marketing strategy. Professional advice and assistance in this area is rather a necessity than a nice-to-have option. Edelman PR agency has over fifty years of experience in this field of expertise. It offers its customers professional services in the management of a corporate reputation, investor relations, brand PR, crisis communications, public affairs, publishing, etc.
Edelman PR strategies

The benefits of working with public relations firm
Added on 12/30/2005 to Articles Directory / Public Relations / Agencies / Makovsky & Co

Today, no company can survive and stay competitive in the modern business environment without developing a good PR strategy. Public relations firms can be of great use both to small and large companies and help them with building up strong and lasting relationships with their stakeholders on local and nationwide levels. From this article you will find out about the uses of PR firms and some criteria for selecting them.
The benefits of working with public relations firm

About largest ireland's pr firm
Added on 12/30/2005 to Articles Directory / Public Relations / Agencies / Fleishman-Hillard

Public relations are essential marketing ingredient. It is able to operate with people’s perceptions of companies, brands and products. Such perceptions companies’ reputations in customers’ minds and in great measure motivate their buying behavior. Fleishman-Hillard Inc. is the company that has taken a global marketing initiative and has brought PR communication technologies to new markets.
About largest ireland's pr firm

Some hints on starting a PR consultant career
Added on 12/29/2005 to Articles Directory / Public Relations / Agencies / Public Relations Consulting

PR consulting is a fast growing and prospective field for building a career. With the increasing competition and over saturation of the media with advertising messages more and more companies make PR a vital and integral part of their marketing strategy. It puts a demand for energetic and skilled people with good writing and public speaking skills for positions of PR consultants.
Some hints on starting a PR consultant career

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