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Hewlett Packard servers
Hill & Knowlton
Hispanic advertising agencies
Hosted Scripts
Hosting companies

Hill and Knowlton UK services
Added on 01/04/2006 to Articles Directory / Public Relations / Agencies / Hill & Knowlton

Hill and Knowlton is one of the oldest public relations companies in the world. It has been operating in the market of PR services since 1927. In the United Kingdom, Hill and Knowlton has the largest team of healthcare professionals. In a addition, it offers its clients PR services in various areas, such as consumer marketing.
Hill and Knowlton UK services

Hispanic advertising on Internet increases
Added on 12/28/2005 to Articles Directory / Advertising / Advertising agencies / Hispanic advertising agencies

In February, 2005, the first online advertising campaign in its history it the U.S. Hispanic market was started by Diageo's Johnnie Walker. The banner advertising for a scotch brand started on Yahoo and Yahoo en Espanol. The foal of this, driven by Diageo's Hispanic marketing initiative, is to reach acculturated Hispanics, who may be surfing the Web in English or Spanish.
Hispanic advertising on Internet increases

HP Proliant servers family
Added on 12/16/2005 to Articles Directory / Hardware / Servers / Server platforms

The HP ProLiant server family is able to provide a high efficiency of the enterprise IT structure functioning. A combination of software and hardware tools makes these processes very competent and available for different user groups. Strategies of the HP Company provide the base for improvements in the information structure of an enterprise for a short period of time.
HP Proliant servers family

How to profit from small business consulting opportunities
Added on 12/08/2005 to Articles Directory / Public Relations / PR and Promotion / Small business promotion

Small business consulting opportunities might be exactly what your are looking for in a home based business. If you possess a mastery of your career or are able to convey ideas clearly, you may be a perfect candidate for providing small business consulting services. Today, from Analysts to Zoologists, there is an ever-growing need in more and more diverse fields.
How to profit from small business consulting opportunities

History of logo promotional products
Added on 12/08/2005 to Articles Directory / Public Relations / PR and Promotion / Logo promotion

Many small companies do not invest in a professional-looking logo. However, a right logo with right characteristics will encourage your visibility and credibility. It will bring more business for you. Having a professionally designed logo can make your business get attention and clients. Today, many corporations, agencies, products, services use logotypes.
History of logo promotional products

How to plan a radio promotion campaign
Added on 12/08/2005 to Articles Directory / Public Relations / PR and Promotion / Radio promotion

There is a thought that the commercial radio industry of today cannot be less friendly to an independent musician. When it comes to commercial radio, the chances of getting a significant national airplay for your independent record are next to none. However, you can afford a radio promotion campaign if you know what you are doing. It only must be properly planned.
How to plan a radio promotion campaign

How to get radio publicity
Added on 12/08/2005 to Articles Directory / Public Relations / PR and Promotion / Radio promotion

People pay more attention to shows than to advertising and they are much more likely to believe them. According to a recent survey by Statistical Research Inc., ninety six percent of the US population listens to the radio at least once a week and seventy five percent listens every day, which is more than any other media. That is the reason why interview time is worth even more than advertising time.
How to get radio publicity

HP proliant server for enterprises
Added on 12/06/2005 to Articles Directory / Hardware / Servers / Hewlett Packard servers

Modern business environments are complex and unsuspected, and they could change rapidly. Nowadays, their budgets are shortening, though the clients’ requirements keep growing. Consequently, an ability to meet the clients’ needs depends on a dynamical structure of a modern enterprise. HP proposes adaptive solutions that can help to solve all the problems of that nature that exist in the modern information business environment.
HP proliant server for enterprises

How to create great PR media opportunities
Added on 12/06/2005 to Articles Directory / Public Relations / PR and Promotion / Media public relations

Leveraging media and public relations for a client, public relations professionals have two goals in mind. They are: to raise the client's visibility and enhance the client's business goals. How does the best public relations professional make the old news sound interesting? Does he simply continue to churn out press releases about a once hot topic?
How to create great PR media opportunities

How to get a job in a UK copywriting agency
Added on 12/04/2005 to Articles Directory / Advertising / Copywriting / copywriting agency

Copywriters work in a creative partnership with an art director to conceive, develop and produce effective advertisements. While the art director deals mainly with visual images, it is the copywriter, who provides a verbal or written aspect. It involves writing a 'copy', i.e. coming up with original catch phrases, slogans and straplines, and other advertising.
How to get a job in a UK copywriting agency

How to succeed in managing a PR campaign
Added on 12/04/2005 to Articles Directory / Public Relations / PR and Promotion / Managing PR

If you have a new web site, a product or a service to launch, start thinking about putting a public relation machine into action. There are many ways to promote your business through the Web. In the Internet you can organize a highly effective public relations campaign at a very low cost. If you decide to use the Web in implementing your PR strategy, there are three steps to take.
How to succeed in managing a PR campaign

How to determine proper copywriting rates
Added on 12/04/2005 to Articles Directory / Advertising / Copywriting / freelance copywriting

"How much should I charge for this freelance copywriting job?" This is a question every freelance copywriter asks him or herself one time and again, year after year, decade after decade. Usually, it is accompanied by a group of related questions: How should I structure my the hour, by the job? What do other copywriters charge? What is the norm for this industry or company?
How to determine proper copywriting rates

How to make the most of your web copywriter
Added on 11/21/2005 to Articles Directory / Advertising / Copywriting / web copywriting

The Web is no longer only about a great design and graphics. People are looking for information, when they search the Web or visit a Web site. People want information they research to be clearly and concisely written in an easy-to-read Web format. Long sentences and long paragraphs do not make it on the Web. However, good content produces good results.
How to make the most of your web copywriter

Hedge Funds peculiarities and tendencies
Added on 11/17/2005 to Articles Directory / Markets / Investments / Alternative Investments

Hedge funds are private investments in equity securities subject to the terms of an investment agreement, entered into the hedge fund by a sponsor and investors. The information below is the response to the rapid growth in the hedge fund industry. Little is known about similarities and differences between the hedge funds and the financial markets, which cooperate tightly. Let us try to find out the reasons of a modern perception of the hedge funds.
Hedge Funds peculiarities and tendencies

HP blade servers and PC
Added on 11/08/2005 to Articles Directory / Hardware / Servers / Blade servers

New technologies of the Hewlett Packard Corporation are amazing even among the modern variety of server and hardware solutions. Blade computers, proposed by this company, permit to make the clients' activities safer and more efficient. This is a new technology that opens new possibilities for PC users. Each desktop computer can have some blade servers' details that improve the conditions of its work.
HP blade servers and PC

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