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Pet Loss: Ways to look ahead after pet loss

Pet Loss / Death is the part of the human-animal bond that is often over-looked. All pets run on a different time schedule that humans do. Most pets life spans rarely exceed 15 to 20 years.

Pet Loss can be most devastating if your pet met with an accident or a sudden illness that deprives the pet owner the anticipation that accompanies old age.

Pet loss via an accident is very devastating for the pet owner thinking if he could have prevented the loss in any way & some times takes the blame on himself.

Pet Loss through illness & old age have their own special torments on pet owners. Some pet owners are so in shock that they don't come to reality that pet life span is only a quarter of human's & pursue all possible treatments to save their pet.

Most pet owners after pet loss have or face reality differently; some pet owners try to block any memories of their pet, while others try to remember their pet via different memorial services.

Below are some guidelines, for each pet owner to cope with the anticipating pet loss & the procedures that pet owners can do to minimize the pain of pet loss.

* If your pet is aging, resolve your attitudes about pet loss and euthanasia before your pet is actually ill.

 * Ask your veterinarian about the consequences of surgical procedures on older animals. Try to evaluate the benefits vs the loss of the procedure that your pet is going to undergo.

 * Some veterinary hospitals provide counseling services for grieving pet owners. Other alternatives include discussing your grief with family and friends who may share in your sorrow.



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