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Pet name is the first important task after getting your pet home. When naming their pet's name one needs to be aware that pet name will be used more than a dozen times a day to call, praise & perhaps train you pet. some Important Pointers when choosing a name are listed below

Pick a pet name that the pet can easily memorize.

Choose a pet name that's both easy to call out and one that you are happy calling out. Calling out "tommy" or "ralph" in the street may be far less embarrassing than calling out than "Heart Beat".

For dogs avoid names that sound like the standard commands of Stay, stand, Sit, up, Down or Fetch. For example "Joe" is probably too close to "No". It can be difficult for dogs to tell the difference between similar sounding words.

Don't choose a pet name that is too long, it might be hard for the do to remember a long pet name.

Pet name can be based on your pet's personality. Meaning if your pet is Affectionate, or cute appearance or playful or full of energy an appropriate pet name might suite the pet.

Pick a name that will grow with the pet. For example "Kitty" may be less appropriate for a full-grown cat.

Be adventurous in your pet name, don't copy from your friends or cartoon characters, this gives a certain uniqueness that each pet deserves. some very important resources in pet names are listed below.


The Big Book of Pet Names - More Than 10,000 Pet Names - Includes Celebrity Pet Names - The Most Complete


THE BIG BOOK OF PET NAMES - A Guide to Names for Pets: Dogs, Cats, Birds, Fish, Horses...The Most In depth Guide to Names for Animals & Meanings - From


The Complete Book of Pet Names: An Aspca Book


From Ace to Zummo: A Dictionary of Numerologically Based Names for Your Pet


Pet Adoption Pet Adoption

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