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Pet Portraits fall into a special category which establish a bond between pet owners & their loved pets. They are a form of art that can be cherished for life.

The best Pet Photographs don't do justice to our loyal, beloved pets and the only way to have a life long memory of our pet is via having a pet portrait drawn from ones favorite pet photo memories. Pet owners might have taken dozens of photos of their beloved friend, but most photographs don't really capture the real essence of their pet, that is where a pet portrait comes into play & capture the beauty, sweetness, and personality of one's pet in life like detail—the way only a true work of art can.

Pet Potraits are drawn by artists from a pet owners favorite photo (used as a reference). These portraits can also be a very unique gift to pet lovers.

Some pet owners have a few concerns about having pet portraits drawn, some frequently asked questions about Pet Portraits are answered here.

Does my pet have to pose ?

Pet portraits take a lot of time for the paint to dry & complete & hence they are painted from photographs or slides. Pet Artists use multiple pet photographs to combine the different parts of a pose.

What is the best size ?

A popular size is 16" x 20" (image size). Pet portraits are also painted in smaller and larger sizes. 

How can an pet owner know if he has the right Pictures ?

Pet artists first request pictures to be sent to them & most artists at no obligation will tell the pet owners if the pictures are suitable or not.

So, how does one go about getting their pet's portrait?

•  Identify the best pictures of the pet , whose memories you want to capture

•  A brief written personality description of your pet, and your name, address, and e-mail and/or telephone number, and the size of the portrait you would like, should be given to the artist.

•  Before a pet portrait is started one needs to go through the contract & estimated cost of the pet portrait.

•  Pet portrait should take roughly 4-6 weeks to complete.


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