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Pet Carriers

When you're taking your pet on a travel trip or on for a small shopping trip, the right pet carrier is very important to ensure the safety & comfort of your pet.

There are several type of pet carriers to serve different kinds of needs. Pet Carriers need to be of the right fit neither too small nor too large. One other important feature of pet carriers need to be safe to your pet, they should not have any sharp edges which could harm your pet.

Hard Carriers or Pet Travel Crates

Hard pet carriers are usually used when your are taking your pet for an airline travel. They are secure & are durable. Hard Pet carriers are made of polypropylene & can also be lined with your pet's bed such that your pet feels at home is is with familiar surroundings while a long travel.

Soft Pet Carriers

These are made of a softer, more flexible material and are used for transporting small pets. Soft pet carriers are made of cloth & nylon handles and are used for short pet travel, in a car or within the seat of an airline.

Wire Crates

Metal wire crates are well ventilated, provide the best visibility, and are collapsible for easy cleaning, transporting, and storage. Metal wire crates are used for pet containment usually when your pet is new to the household & are not trained. Metal wire crates are usually not very sophisticated & need to be properly lined with cushion or pet bed to make your pet comfortable. Wire crates are not suitable for airlines travel as they are not very robust & may cause pet death if used for airline travel.


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