Daily Unique: | | Totals: | |
Today | 2216 / 06 Feb, Mon, 2006 | Unique Visitors | 536696 - 40.58% |
Yesterday | 3153 / 05 Feb, Sun, 2006 | Visits incl. Reloads | 1322327 |
Average | 772 | Reloads | 785631 - 59.41% |
Highest Day | 3153 / 05 Feb, Sun, 2006 | Visitors via Referrers | 421163 - 78.47% |
Weekly Unique: | | Website Referrers | 34546 |
Current Week | 2216 / Wk 06, 2006 | Javascript Enabled | 516263 - 96.19% |
Last Week | 17264 / Wk 05, 2006 | | |
Average | 5160 | Most accessed: | |
Highest Week | 17264 / Wk 05, 2006 | Browser | MSIE 6 |
Monthly Unique: | | Operating System | Windows XP |
Current Month | 14795 / Feb, 2006 | Screen Resolution | 1024x768 |
Last Month | 41443 / Jan, 2006 | Screen Color | 32 Bit (16.7M) |
Average | 22362 | Searchengine | Google |
Highest Month | 49695 / Jul, 2005 | Keyword | php
Highest Hour of the Day | 15:00 - 15:59 | Domain/Country | .com / United States |
Highest Day of the Week | Sunday | Continent | North America |