Help and Frequently Asked Questions
Technical Help
General Information
Basic Driver Improvement Course (BDI)
Traffic Collision Avoidance Course (TCAC)
8-Hour Intermediate Driver Improvement Course
Learners Permit D.A.T.A Course and DMV Exam
Insurance Discount Course
Technical Help:
Please read the tips below - in many cases you will be able to solve your challenge. If you still cannot
Please call our support line at 800-732-4135.
I am trying to proceed to the next module and cannot
Make sure your browser (Internet Explorer, Netscape, etc) is maximized. In the top right corner of your browser you will see three buttons.
Click on the button highlighted in the image below. If you continue to have issues, logout, close your browser, reopen your browser
and log back in. Make sure your browser is maximized.

Click the Maximize button
I am taking the quiz but when I click on answers nothing happens.
Some virus protection software such as McAfee or Norton, or Pop-up blockers prevent the quiz from functioning. Disable your virus software or pop-up blocker. Refresh (reload the page) in your browser and all should function.
Be sure to enable your virus software or pop-up blocker when you have completed the course.
I am trying to print my traffic school certificate but it does look right (cannot be read)
Open your traffic school certificate in adobe acrobat.
Select "Print Setup"
Change the Orientation to "Landscape"
Select "OK"
Print the certificate.
If you do not have Adobe Acrobat you can Download it Here
General Information:
Is your traffic school course approved in all 67 counties in the state of Florida?
Yes. The Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles has approved our traffic school courses in all 67 counties in Florida. Whether you take our course online or by home video you can be confident that your Certificate of Completion will be accepted by the Clerk of the Court in the county where you received your ticket.
How many days do I have to pay my ticket and attend Traffic School?
You have 30 days to pay the ticket. Typically from the day that you pay your ticket you have an additional 30 to 90 days to complete Traffic School. You should contact the Clerk of the Court office where you received the ticket to find out your exact due date.
If I take the course on the Internet, do I have to do the course all at one time?
No. You can log in and out of the course as often as you wish. Our program will keep track of the time you have spent on the course and it will always bring you right to where you left off when you log back in.
Are the quizzes open book?
Yes. For the Internet courses you can click back through the modules (chapters) to look for the correct answers as needed. For the home video or DVD, you will have the quiz in front of you while watching the movie.
Do I need a printer?
No. You do not need a printer to complete the online course.
Does your course work with dial-up connections?
Yes. The course works well with all Internet connections including dial-up.
If I take the course by Home Video will I have to do the course all at one time?
No. When taking the video course and TCAC (Traffic Collision Avoidance Course) More Information by home video, you may play and stop the video as often as you wish. Feel free to complete the course at your own pace and when it fits into your schedule.
Can I pay online? What credit cards do you accept? Can I use my debit card?
Yes, you can pay online or over the phone with one of our customer service representatives. We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover credit cards. You may also use your bank debit card providing it has a Visa or MasterCard logo on it.
Can I take the course in Spanish?
Yes, just select Spanish during sign up. The only courses offered in Spanish are the BDI (Basic Driver Improvement) and TCAC (Traffic Collision Avoidance Course.) They are available on the Internet or home video in Spanish.
When will I receive my Certificate?
For the Internet courses, your Certificate will mail out within one business day after you complete the course. If you take the course by video, we'll mail your Certificate within one business day of when we receive your completed answer sheet that you have mailed or faxed in. If you prefer, when you complete the course you can select email or overnight delivery for a nominal fee.
How can I get my Certificate RUSHED?
When you complete the course you can select email or overnight or second day delivery for a nominal fee.
Can I have my Certificate faxed?
First check with your Clerk of Court in the county where you received your ticket to make sure they accept Certificates via fax. If so, ask for the fax number and then call us to make arrangements at 1-888-272-1493.
Do I have to pay the civil penalty if I choose to attend a driver improvement course?
Yes, but the fine is reduced by 18 percent as required by law. You save money on the ticket when you take the course!
What happens if I do not pass the final test? Can I take it again?
Yes, you may take the final test without an additional charge.
Can I get an extension to complete Traffic School?
If your due date is coming up and you need an extension then either write, call or go to the Clerk of Court in person and request an extension. Courts generally grant extensions when they are requested before the due date. If you wait until after the due date you may have to make a court appearance and ask the judge for an extension.
Basic Driver Improvement Course (BDI):
How long is the Basic Driver Improvement (BDI) and Traffic Collision Avoidance Course (TCAC) course?
The state of Florida requires that all Basic Driver Improvement (BDI) and Traffic Collision Avoidance Course (TCAC) courses be four (4) hours long. The same courseware is used for BDI and TCAC.
How much does the Basic Driver Improvement (BDI) course cost?
The 4-hour BDI course is $27.39 (No hidden costs, no fine print). If you elect the home video course the price is $32.95. When you complete the course you can rush your Certificate delivery
by selecting email or overnight or second day delivery for a nominal fee.
How many times can I elect to attend a Basic Driver Improvement course?
You can elect to attend a BDI course only once in any 12-month period and no more than five times in your lifetime.
Traffic Collision Avoidance Course (TCAC):
How long is the Traffic Collision Avoidance Course (TCAC) and the Basic Driver Improvement (BDI) Course?
The state of Florida requires that the Traffic Collision Avoidance Course (TCAC) and the Basic Driver Improvement (BDI) be four (4) hours long. The same courseware is used for both TCAC and BDI.
How much does the Traffic Collision Avoidance Course (TCAC) cost?
The 4-hour TCAC course is $27.39 (No hidden costs, no fine print). If you elect the home video course the price is $32.95. When you
complete the course you can rush your Certificate delivery by selecting email or overnight or second day delivery for a nominal
fee. You can Sign Up Here
8-Hour Intermediate Driver Improvement Course:
How much does the 8 Hour Intermediate Course cost?
The 8-Hour Intermediate Course is $60.00 (this includes the Dept of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicle assessment fee and Certificate handling and mailing.) When you complete the course you can rush your Certificate delivery by selecting email or overnight or second day delivery for a nominal fee. Sign Up Here
Learners Permit - Tests
How much does the Learners Permit (D.A.T.A) course and tests cost?
There are two exams you must take before getting your Learner's Permit. The first course is the Drug Alcohol Traffic Collision (D.A.T.A) course which is $29.95. You can Sign Up Here. The second is the DMV Exam which you can take online here if you take our Learners Permit (D.A.T.A ) Course.
Can I take hhe DMV exam on
No, we can only offer the DMV exam in combination with the D.A.T.A course - that is the only way we can confirm you have completed the reqruied D.A.T.A course
Can I take the course from several different computers (home, office, school, library or friend's house)?
Yes, you may take the course from as many computers as you want. We will still keep a log of the time you spend to meet the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicle's requirements.
How do you know it is me taking the program and not someone else?
Before you begin the course, we ask a number of personal security questions which are periodically asked during the course.
How long is the Learners Permit D.A.T.A. course?
It's divided into seven (7) sections ranging in time from 15-40 minutes. You can log on and off as often as you like and finish the course at your convenience. In order to receive credit for a section you must finish the entire section before logging off, if you do not want to continue. Then when you log on again it will take you to the next section. There is a 40 question test at the end. You must get 80% (32 questions) correct to get credit for the course.You Can Sign Up Here
How old do I need to be before I can sign up for Learners Permit courses (D.A.T.A. and DMV exam)?
You must be 14 ½ years old or older to sign up and complete the courses. You may not apply for your Learner's Permit until your 15th birthday.
The online DMV exam is provided by the American Safety Council and is certified by the Florida Department of Highway Safety & Motor Vehicles.
You will be offered the choice to take the DMV exam when you finish the DATA course.
What do I need to bring with me when getting my Learner's Permit?
What happens at the DMV when getting your Learner's Permit:
- Take the DMV exam (Unless you Take it Online with Us!)
- Get your picture taken
- Take a vision test (to pass, you must have 20/40 or better vision
in each and both eyes, with or without corrective lenses)
- Take a hearing test
- Give a thumb print
- Receive your Learner's Permit!
What are my driving privileges when I turn 15?
When you turn 15, you are eligible to earn a Learner Permit. You must hold your Learner Permit for at least twelve months (or until you turn 18) before applying for a full license. Your Learner Permit is valid for six years and is renewable. When you first receive your Learner License (the first three months), you are only permitted to drive during daylight with a licensed driver 21 years of age or older occupying the front passenger seat. After three months, you are permitted to drive until 10 pm with a licensed driver 21 years of age or older occupying the front passenger seat.
What are my driving privileges when I turn 16 with an Operator's License?
Once you turn 16, you are eligible to earn a full license. In order to earn an Operator's License, you must meet the following criteria:
- You must have had a Learner Permit for at least 12 months without a traffic conviction. Teens issued a traffic citation may elect to attend Traffic School in order to avoid a conviction.
- Your parent or guardian must certify that you have at least 50 hours of behind the wheel driving experience, 10 hours of which occurred at night.
- Once you pass the Driving Skills Test:
- You cannot transport any passenger under 18 except for immediate family members
- You can only drive between 6:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m. except to and from work or when accompanied by licensed driver who is at least 21 years old and occupies the front passenger seat
What are my driving privileges when I turn 17?
If you have your Operator's License and are 17 years old, the same rules apply as age 16 except the hours are extended. You can now drive between 5:00 a.m. and 1:00 a.m. except to and from work or when accompanied by licensed driver who is at least 21 years old and occupies the front passenger seat.
What happens if I get a ticket before I turn 18?
Teens issued a traffic citation may elect to attend Traffic School in order to avoid a conviction. You can only attend Traffic School once every twelve months and only five (5) times in your entire life. You can Sign Up Here
What are the benefits of attending a Basic Driver Improvement Course for a ticket?
Attending a driver improvement course will result in the following:
- No points will be assessed against your driving record
- The civil penalty of the ticket will be reduced by 18 percent
- Your insurance company cannot impose any additional premium or refuse to renew a policy for vehicle insurance solely because the insured committed a non-criminal traffic infraction with the exceptions of a second infraction within 18 months, a third infraction in 36 months, or exceeding the speed limit by more than 15 mph.
What should I do if I am involved in a crash with an unattended vehicle?
If you are involved in a crash with an unattended vehicle, you must give the owner of the vehicle your name, address, and tag number in person if possible. If you are unable to find the owner, you must attach the information in a note to the object that was hit. You must also report the accident immediately to the appropriate law enforcement agency.
What does my school attendance record have to do with my driving?
According to the Florida Statutes, once a student accumulates 15 or more unexcused absences in a period of 90 calendar days they are unable to receive or maintain driving privileges.
What do cigarettes have to do with my driving?
If you are convicted of possession of tobacco products before the age of 18, your driving privileges will be suspended.
What is the Zero Tolerance rule?
The Zero Tolerance rule means that drivers under the age of 21 with a blood alcohol level of .02% or more will have their license suspended immediately for six months. A second offense will result in a year suspension. Refusal to submit to blood alcohol testing will result in a twelve month driver license suspension. A second refusal will result in an eighteen month suspension.
Is automobile insurance required when I register my vehicle?
Yes. If you own a vehicle with at least four wheels and are registering it, you must have insurance. The state of Florida has two motor vehicle insurance laws. The first is the Financial Responsibility Law which requires operators and owners of motor vehicles to be financially responsible for injuries and/or damages they may cause to others when a traffic crash occurs. The second is the No-Fault Law which requires anyone who owns or has registered a vehicle in their name to carry Personal Injury Protection and Property Damage Liability insurance. You must maintain insurance coverage during the entire time that a vehicle with four or more wheels is registered in your name.
What if I fail to keep insurance on my vehicle that I've registered in Florida?
The Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles may suspend your driver license, including your vehicle tag and registration, for up to three years or until proof of required insurance is provided, whichever occurs first.
What should I do if I am involved in an automobile crash?
According to the Florida Driver's Handbook, your responsibilities in the event of a traffic crash are:
- Stop. If you are in a crash while driving, you must stop. If anyone is hurt, you must get help. You must also be ready to give your name, address, and vehicle registration number; as well as show your driver's license to others involved in the crash.
- Report the crash. If the crash causes injury, death, or property damage, it must be reported. Call the local police, the Florida Highway Patrol, or the county sheriff's office. If the crash involves a charge of driving under the influence (DUI) or results in death, injury, or property damage to the extent that a wrecker must tow a vehicle, the officer will fill out a report. If property damage appears to be over $100 and no report is written by an officer, you must make a written report of the crash to the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles within ten (10) days. The officer will provide you with a copy of the form for your records.
- Move your car if it is blocking traffic. If your car is blocking the flow of traffic, you must move it. If you cannot move it yourself, you must get help or call a tow truck. This is true anytime your vehicle is blocking the flow of traffic whether it has been involved in a crash or not.
- Appear in court. If you are charged in a driving crash, you may have to go to court. The officer who comes to the scene of the crash will file charges against any driver who violated a traffic law.
Anyone who is charged will have a chance to explain to the court what happened. The court will then decide what the penalty is. Anyone who is not charged with violating the law may have to come to court as a witness. If you are found at fault in a collision where anyone is injured and transported to a medical treatment facility or it is your second collision in a two-year period, you will be required by law to attend a Traffic Collision Avoidance Course (TCAC). A driver convicted of leaving the scene of a crash involving death or personal injury will have his or her license revoked. The driver is also subject to criminal penalties.
Insurance Discount Course
How much does the Insurance Discount Course cost?
The 4-hour Insurance Discount
Course is $14.95 (No hidden costs, no fine print) When you complete
the course you can rush your Certificate delivery by selecting email
or overnight or second day delivery
for a nominal fee. You
can Sign Up Here
Which state law requires insurance discounts for the Insurance Discount course and exactly what does it cover?
Florida Statute 627.0652 requires insurance companies to provide a discount for drivers 55 years of age or older who have successfully completed our course. The discount is for the liability (bodily injury and property damage), personal injury protection, and collision portions of your policy which typically accounts for 70%-85% of your current premium charges. Uninsured motorist and comprehensive coverage is excluded. You Can Sign Up Here
The premium reduction is effective for three (3) years provided that you are: (1) Not involved in an accident for which you are at fault and (2) Not convicted of or plead guilty or nolo contendere to a moving violation. For this reason, if you receive a traffic ticket during this three-year period, you'll need to go to Traffic School so that adjudication is withheld and you can maintain your discount!
Do I have to be 55 years old before I get the discount?
No, some insurance companies provide discounts for drivers who are 50 years old. Contact your insurance company to find out their policy in Florida.
How can I determine how much money I will save by completing this course?
Call your insurance company to determine how much they discount your policy for completing the course (typically 5-15%). Many factors affect your rate but for an approximate amount do the following:
- Add up the amount that you are paying on an annual basis for (a) Bodily Injury (b) Property Damage (c) Personal Injury Protection and (d) Collision coverage
- Multiply that amount by the discount percentage
- Multiply that amount by three (3) years
- If you're married and your spouse takes the course, double the amount to get your approximate savings
- Please contact your insurance agent for an exact amount...but make sure they are calculating the discounts as provided by Florida Law.
How long is the Insurance Discount Course?
The Insurance Discount Course is six (6) hours in length including six 10 minute breaks. You may take the course all at once or over several days or even weeks. It's your choice! You can Sign Up Here
How can I pay for the course?
You can pay for the course two different ways, either by credit card or by check/money order. After you fill out the registration form, you can be linked to a completely secure credit card page where you pay quickly and effortlessly. The site is encrypted to make your online purchase safe. The other way to pay for the course is to mail a check or money order to the address listed on the Contact Us page. Make sure to send the check before you complete the course or your Certificate will not be mailed.
Must I complete this course in one sitting?
No, this course is designed for the person who does not have a lot of time. It is broken up into sections and you can log off and then back on at a later time. The computer will record the section you have completed. You can log on and off as many times as you wish until you complete the program. You can also do the entire course in one is up to you.