Cleansing diets, detoxifying diets, intensive three day colon cleanse, colon cleansing diet, etc. |
Cleansing Diets / Detoxifying Diets
Give your body a tune-up - Try a Cleansing diet Many of these problems in part are caused by eating foods and drinks which are not what nature intended us to consume. Our bodies are very similar to what they were in the Stone Age when our diets were very different. Low fat, high complex carbohydrates, high fiber diets are what are bodies are adapted for. In countries where this type of diet is the rule, obesity, heart disease, and other degenerative diseases are rare. Toxins and poisons are everywhere in our modern society. Billions of tons of toxic chemicals are produced each year and end up in our air, water and soil. These toxins build up in our bodies over time. Our systems, in fact, can become over run with these toxins which stress the body. Energy is used to deal with these foreign substances which over time leave little energy to take care of every day functioning. The result is fatigue, stress and a reduced ability to deal with disease. The human body is a complex machine which must be kept in tune to run at peak efficiency. Diets should be light and nutrient rich and have a high water content. Drinking ample quantities of pure water is a necessity for any fasting or cleansing program. For more info, please visit Rexdonald. Intensive Three Day Colon CleanseAbstain from soft drinks, coffee, candy, and dairy products. 1) A Quality Probiotic 2) A Good Bulk Laxative (I.e. Twin Labs Colon
Care) Any good Bulk Laxative will work but I have found Colon Care
to be good value as it also includes Probiotics. (see bottom of page for
more detail) To begin the program take a quality probiotic the night before (at least four capsules) and a fiber supplement or Colon Care (serving size as directed on label). Note: If you are using Colon Care you will not need to take a probiotic. Drink eight to ten glasses of water every day, as well as fruit and vegetable juices. If you can drink more, do so. Water is your best cleansing agent. Day 1Take Colon Care in the morning, 1/2 hour before lunch, and again 1/2 hour before dinner. Eat only fruit in the morning, at least 2 servings. Have a light lunch (example: 1/2 vegetarian sub and a clear both soup) and take Colon Care with pure fruit juice 1/2 hour before. Drink pure fruit juice or vegetable juice between meals, sip and do not drink more than 6 ounces per hour. Don't forget to drink your 8 to 10 glasses of water. Eat your normal supper but have at least 2 servings of vegetables and take Colon Care with pure fruit juice 1/2 hour before. (remember to eat sensibly) As a snack at least 2 hours before retiring you can have soup (non-creamed), fruit or vegetable salad. Use a non-fat dressing. Diet Tip: Sipping on pure juice will help to stabilize your blood sugar and control your hunger. Do not drink more than 6 ounces per hour. Day 2 (Same as day 1)Starting day 2, you may begin to experience some withdrawal symptoms as your body begins to cleanse itself. This, for most people, tends to be a rough day. This is known as the detoxification cycle. Most commonly, if you drink coffee, you will experience a headache. For the best cleansing effect, stick it out, or drink your normal amount of coffee at half strength and your headache should go away. Other symptoms may be a runny nose, aching joints etc. In the past, every time you started a diet or changed your habits in any way , your body adjusted in some way, whether it was extra elimination, nervous energy, lightheadedness, fatigue, and so on -- you just never knew what to call it before. Day 3If you drink coffee, go back to your normal coffee drinking routine. For breakfast eat a whole grain cereal with Soya Milk. (vanilla is my favorite) or a low fat bran muffin. Instead of Twin Labs Colon Care for lunch eat a large salad and a non-creamed soup. Eat your normal supper but have at least 2 servings of vegetables and take Colon Care with pure fruit juice 1/2 hour before. (remember to eat sensibly) As a snack at least 2 hours before retiring you can have soup (non-creamed), fruit or vegetable salad. Use a non-fat dressing. You should have eliminated many times by now and you should feel lighter and "cleaned out." You may feel a little tired at first but you will find that you have a new found energy as you return to your regular routine. Notes
General Colon CleanseImportant: eliminate the use of dairy products. Double your intake of vegetables. Cut in half the amount of meat. For example: On a hamburger double the tomatoes and have a junior burger. Use your imagination. Drink 8 to 10 Glasses of bottled or filtered water. Take Colon Care 1/2 hour before 2 meals/day with pure fruit juice. For breakfast eat a whole grain cereal with Soya Milk. (vanilla is my favorite) or a low fat bran muffin. For Lunch and Dinner eat as normal but follow guide lines above. Eat Fruit, sip on fruit or vegetable juice between meals. Eat as much fruit as you want but do not drink more than 6 ounces of fruit juice per hour. As a snack, at least 2 hours before retiring, you can have soup (non-creamed), fruit or vegetable salad. Use a non-fat dressing. You should see positive results in 2-3 days. Repeat as needed. Follow-up your colon cleansing with an eating program to maintain and improve your health. For more info, please visit Rexdonald. Antique Way Investment Service Banking Service By Mortgage Child Healths Man Healths Autos Homecolon cleansing dietFat Flushers know first hand that internal colon cleansing and
good digestion are the missing links to optimum health, longevity, energy
and regularity. Many individuals creatively use these products for colon
cleansing and as digestive aids for a pre Fat FlushTM program to rid
the system of parasites, heavy metals and yeast. If you are looking for
information about colon
cleansing diet - you have come to the right place. The Super G.I. Cleanse is targeted to strengthen and nourish the five major elimination organs/systems - the G.I. tract, the liver, the kidneys, the lungs and the lymphatics. Unlike any other cleansing formula on the market, this product specifically addresses the lymphatic system which is the garbage collector of the body that transports waste and fats for processing. Thousands of satisfied users report 1-2 bowel movements per day, increased energy, stamina, better skin, and a better disposition. Yeast overgrowth contributes to one of the five hidden weight gain factors discussed in The Fat FlushTM Plan. It has been estimated that one in three Americans harbor an overgrowth of Candida albicans. Experts estimate that over 80 million Americans have Candidiasis, but the majority do not attribute their symptoms to this modern epidemic. More info about colon cleansing diet. Thermal Carb 7-Day Detox & Colon Cleansing Diet
Leading experts agree that many diseases may be caused by the long-term effects of poor eating habits. This contributes to accumulative toxic by-products which remain in the body. Our all-natural Thermal Carb 7 day colon cleansing system helps the body rid itself of excess toxins and metabolic waste. This product combines a full spectrum nutritional colon cleansing program, that helps the body to remove accumulated waste and toxins while improving overall health. It has a unique formula designed for gentle cleansing and should be used every four weeks as part of a healthy dietary regimen. Are you generally skinny with the exception of your stomach? This is the most common side effect of having a large deposit of mucoid plaque in your colon and intestines. Mucoid plaque usually hardens layer by layer until it accumulates in great quantities in your colon and intestines. This in its turn stops the natural lubrication process in your colon resulting in elimination difficulties of the toxins and plaque that is developing on the intestinal walls. Since your stool must pass through this same area, the additional pressure will stretch your stomach, intestines and colon to accommodate the hardened deposits without completely blocking the passing stool. Left untreated, these deposits will continue to accumulate resulting in a very large and bulging stomach that simply won't shrink even with more exercise. The Thermal Carb 7 Day Colon Cleansing Diet safely breaks down and removes these toxins and deposits, slowly allowing your stomach and intestines to shrink back to their normal size. In extreme cases this cleansing diet must be repeated regularly and more frequently to ensure consistent results. More info about Thermal Carb 7-Day Detox & Colon Cleansing Diet. |