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OANDA Foreign Exchange Information

Handy FX Information services

  • FXBrowser: Add a quick currency converter to your browser and calculate prices in your home currency by just highlighting the price.
  • Visual FXConverter: Quick table of currency rates for 26 of the most important currencies.
  • FXLookup: Quick currency ISO to country lookup. If you don't know the currency ISO code of a country, you can look it up in just seconds.
  • FXTrends: View currency trends of the most popular currencies.

Currency Communities

  • FXMessage: Join a community of people interested in the forex and currency market. Post your questions, knowledge and thoughts on currency topics and get involved.
  • FXGallery: View a collection of world currency notes. You can upload and share your currency notes with the rest of OANDA users.
  • FXDirectory: A collection of user submitted foreign exchange resources.

Wireless and PDA

  • FXWap: Get currency exchange rates for your Wireless phone over the Internet using FXWap.
  • FXPilot: Get the currency converter and travelers cheatsheet, as well as a series of useful calculators for your PDA.

OANDA's new look & feel

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