WebCounter FAQ
This file contains the answers to some common questions that we get.
If you are having problems using your counter, please make sure you
read the online documentation including the Usage
Page and the Troubleshooting Page.
Beginners Questions
General Questions
Creation Questions
Run-Time Problems
Usage Questions
Changes to Your Counter
Beginners Questions
General Questions
- Do I have to download your script or install
something in my server to get your counter to work?
Nope. All you have to do is fill out the form from the creation page to create your counter. Once it
was been created, you include an IMG image entry in your HTML code
which calls the counter program on our system and returns a numerical
image to your clients.
- How much does the counter service cost?
For low-volume sites, we plan to always maintain free systems and
services. However, if you are running a high-volume site or if you
are looking for a counter service with guaranteed reliability and
quality combined with additional statistics and features, you should
consider our Commercial Services.
In addition we are constantly looking for advertising sponsors.
Please see our Advertising Page for more
information about such opportunities.
- How does it work?
When you create a counter with a starting value, the WebCounter
server stores this value in its database. When someone accesses your
page, they:
- download your HTML code
- Their client software (if configured to auto-load images)
examines the HTML code searching for image IMG entries and then makes
an additional request for each graphic referenced in your page.
- If you have your counter HTML code installed, their client
software contacts the server directly (not via the server of your
pages) asking for an image of your counter.
- After sending the numerical image to the client, the server
increments your counter and stores the new value into its
- I would like to use my single counter on a
number of pages. Can I do this?
Our new Policies concerning the use of
free counters forbids this practice. We were finding organization who
would list their counter on a number of pages to raise their position
on the Top-10 lists. This restriction does not apply to our Commercial Services.
- Help! I have lost the HTML code needed to run my
Don't panic. See the usage page for more
information about how to setup your counter on your page. It has all
the HTML code examples you would want.
- Do text-only visitors get counted? Can I have
lynx users see my count in the IMG ALT string or something?
Unfortunately the answer is no in both cases. After a client
downloads your home-page from your server, they then can chose to
either download all the images or not. If the images are not
downloaded then my system never even gets a request and therefore can
never count the access. In addition, there is no way to insert text
or HTML into a page without it being preprocessed. For some more
information, see the above section on how it
- I don't see my name in the Top-10 lists?
How do I get in the lists?
Everyone who checked Yes when they created their counter
will be shown in the Top Lists. One restriction with this is
that no counters are shown in the Usage Top Lists for the
first 24 hours because the values are often artificially high.
If you use the Query Page and your counter
can be shown in the Top-10 lists and has enough average hits per day
to be listed then you will be listed soon. Please realize
that the Top Lists are generated every couple of hours during the day
and are mirrored from our counter servers over to our home-page boxes
so be patient if you just created your counter -- it may take a couple
of days for your counter to show up on the lists.
Also, the usage for your counter is based on the average number of
hits per day since your counter was created. If your counter
has had an increase in hits recently, it may take a while for your
average to go up due to this calculation.
- My URL is changing. What do I have to do with
my counter to have it keep working?
You should go to the Change Page to keep
your URL up to date. However, your counter does not care where your
home page is located and will keep counting as long as you don't
change your HTML IMG entry for it. Remember that it does not use any
of the title, URL, or owner information that you filled out during
creation in the actual counting process. This information is only
used to build the top-10 lists.
Can I get a copy of your counter program and/or
CGI bin script so I can run your counter on my server?
Sorry, no. We are not selling our software at this time. Even if
we were, our server is a multi-threaded, multi-process configuration
specially designed for the task and will build and run only on special
- Can I see who has been visiting my page? Can
you supply me with a list of people?
Unfortunately we do not have the ability to do this with our free
server. This feature will be available in the future if you are
subscribing to our Commercial Services.
Creation Questions
- Is there a delay in creating the counter?
No, when you submit the form and the server responds, your counter
has been created and can be used immediately. If you are getting an
ERROR image then see below.
When I create the counter, it says that it was
already created before?
There could be one of a couple things happening.
- There are thousands of counters currently maintained by our
system and you might have indeed used a name already taken.
- If you think that this is unlikely given the string that you
used, then there is a chance that the form may have been submitted
twice by accident. Maybe you stopped the submission in the middle and
resubmitted it or something or maybe the server had problems during
the creation process. In either case, you could try using the counter
that you tried to create. If you would like to resubmit the form, try
it again with another counter name.
- Your counter may exist even if it is not in any of the Top Lists
yet. See below.
- My counter started at much higher number
than I create it with. What is going on?
Chances are that you are not using the counter that you
just created. You might have inadvertently started using someone
else's counter as a mistake because of typo. It is also possible that
you are using the name counter. This happens a lot because
people forget to replace the name string from the HTML
examples in the Usage Page with their own
counter name.
Verify that your HTML IMG code uses the counter name that you created.
You can use the Query Page to see if your
counter name is what you think it is.
Run-Time Problems
- I get an ERR# image all the time where # is
a digit between 1 and 9. What do they mean?
Please see the troubleshooting
page about this.
- I get a server error when I try to get my counter
image or my counter just does not show up. What does it mean?
This could be from any number of reasons but it may indicate that
our free server is busy. For guaranteed reliability and quality you
may want to subscribe to our Commercial
You should make sure you are auto-loading images in your browser.
The digits that are returned are an image.
Many of the reported problems are caused by browser and/or
operating system environments. Problems frequently happen with with
commercial network services. One problem with Prodigy for example
happens if the user places the counter on the page made under the
"Basic" template. The counter will not work in this situation. If it
is under the "Free-Form" template, then it should work fine. This
information was provided by Chris Modzelewski
<mdeb31c@prodigy.com>. Thanks Chris.
This also may be due to the fact that the counter web-system is
offline. We apologize if this is the case.
- All I get is an image icon on my page.
Why does my web-program not want to load in my counter?
Watch for missing or extra " (double-quote) characters and also
make sure SRC is not SCR in your IMG entry. Please see the troubleshooting page for more
- Any links off the page with my counter bring
up an error message from your server. What's going on?
We are seeing this problem far too frequently these days. For some
reason, your browser is sending its requests for your pages
to our server. Your browser software is confused. First of
all, make sure that your HTML code is correct. Watch for missing "
double-quotes especially.
If you are running on Compuserve, we have gotten feedback from their
customer support with a solution to problem. They recommend to
upgrade your CIS software -- specifically the WINSOCK drivers. WINCIM
version 2.0.1 contains a new CIS WINSOCK as well as a MOSAIC browser
and the CIS interface programs. This also will fix the same problems
with other browsers including Netscape. Thanks much to Goetz Kluge
for sending us this information. Goetz has published a page with more
details. Check
it out.
If you are not a Compuserve user, we can only recommend that you talk
to your Internet provider about this problem and/or send bug reports
to your browser company. Feel free to send us feedback if they are
saying that it is our problem.
I get a BUSY image once and a while. What
does it mean?
The server is designed to return a BUSY image whenever a large
number of requests are waiting for images. The count for your page
was updated correctly but the image of the count would have taken too
long to have been displayed.
We are constantly upgrading our hardware to stay ahead of the
load. Please be patient as this occurs. For guaranteed reliability
and quality you may want to subscribe to our Commercial Services.
- My counter doesn't increment. It
seems to be stuck on one number. Why?
The system does not increment a counter when it sees an access
from the same computer (in other words the same IP internet number)
twice in a row. This was necessary to stop people from abnormally
incrementing their own counters. We have a flag that you can set via
the Change Form which allows you to set your counter into
record-every-hit mode. NOTE: this will remove your counter
from the Top-10 lists.
You also should make sure that you are not specifying the -n
option which puts your counter into no-update mode.
This is a feature.
Another cause of this is the cache algorithms of the newer
browsers. Netscape 2.0, for instance, has bugs in its cache algorithm
which means that reload does not work correctly. Your browser may be
pulling the image from your local disk or memory cache instead of from
the counter system itself. Use the Query
Page to see the true value of your counter.
- My counter increments intermittently or in
large jumps? What is going on?
There are a number of possible reasons for this:
- Your counter may be getting a flood of hits because someone just
added a link to you in a busy place or in a search engine.
- Your browser may not be updating the image every time so you are
seeing the affect of the hits from days (or maybe weeks) at once when
it finally does. See the not incrementing
- Someone else may have inadvertently started using your counter.
You may have to create a new counter and switch your page to use it.
- Someone may be trying to drive up your counter's value on
purpose. We would suggest switching counter names here as well.
- My counter does not seem to be incrementing as
fast as the query page says it is. What is going on?
Your browser may not be updating the image every time so you are
seeing the affect of the hits from days (or maybe weeks) at once when
it finally does. Your browser caches the images to reduce your
network requests and it may show the cached counter image instead of
making a new request.
- When I compare my counts against my logs,
my counter seems to be missing hits. Why is this?
The server counts every access to your image that it gets.
However, it cannot register the users who are not loading images, who
are using a text-only browser such as Lynx, or who do not wait for the
counter image to be loaded before continuing on to other sections of
your home pages. In dealing with the last scenario, raising the
counter higher on your page may cause the counter image to be
requested more often.
Also, there are times during the day that the is very busy so it
may take a number of seconds before it responds. Users may not wait
for your counter image to load and may move on to other pages causing
a hit to be missed. We apologize about this but just do not have
infinite network or computing resources to satisfy every request every
second. In addition, the Net as a whole is constantly experiencing
load problems so you may be experiencing general Internet bandwidth
- I would like a larger border around my
counter digits. How do I set this up?
You can use the BORDER=2 (or more) IMG attribute in your HTML to
accomplish this.
<IMG SRC="http://counter.digits.com/wc/-d/4/name"
ALIGN=absmiddle WIDTH=60 HEIGHT=20 BORDER=2>
NOTE: The name in the above HTML code should be
replaced with the name of the counter that you have created.
The above code will give you digits with a 2 pixel border around
them. Feel free to change the 2 to another number till you find a
border which looks appropriate.
Usage Questions
Changes to Your Counter