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ProBoostGold Website Promotion Plans

ProBoostGold has developed a highly-efficient submission technology to make sure your key pages are included in hundreds of International, Regional, Community, and Content-Specific Search Engines. The use of our proprietary promotion software, combined with the knowledgeable manpower to manually hand-submit your URLs can assure that we are promoting your website in the most efficient and professional manner possible. We promote your website to all the major search engines and directories.

Pro-Submit Website Promotion Plan

ProBoostGold Pro-Submit provides monthly submissions to the top 400 search engines for one year. Including hand submission to:
Yahoo! Basic Submit; MSN Basic Submit; The Yellow Page Directories for AOL, MSN and Yahoo!; Google; Entireweb, Clush, as well as the human reviewed directories: DMOZ and JoeAnt.

$89 - One time charge for 12 months! No "CPC funding"!

Yahoo! Search Submit Express $99

Search Submit Express is part of Yahoo! Search Marketing Program. Search Submit gets your URLs included in the databases powered by Yahoo! Search Technology, including: Yahoo!, AltaVista, Alltheweb,, and HotBot, besides many others. The program includes a simple submission process, frequent content refreshes and detailed performance reporting.

There is a $49 review fee and a cost-per-click deposit requirement.

Website Stats Optimization Tracker

Track your visitors and optimize website traffic.  See how visitors are finding their way to your website by analyzing your website's ProBoostGold Hit Stats:

  • What keywords did your visitors use to find you?
  • Are you promoting the keywords people are using?
  • What search engine or webpage were they on before your website?
  • What time of day, what size monitor, and what browser were they using?

ProBoostGold Website Stats Optimization Tracker provides all kinds of useful information and website analytics to help you understand where your online traffic is coming from.

Signup Now and Try the Hit Tracker for Free!

Why Website Promotion Works

Search engines can drive quality traffic to your site, allowing for millions of potential visitors. They provide one of the most cost effective means to promote your site, and target active searchers. Other forms of online marketing such as banner advertising (which can be very costly) merely hope that a passing surfer will find the information displayed interesting enough to click.

Target Marketing

The people visiting your web site as a result of a search engine query are specifically interested in the product or service you provide.

Website Optimization

Website Optimization is the key to internet marketing success! Having your website properly optimized for Search Engines will give you higher rankings and help produce website traffic that you didn't have before.

Call us today at 1-877-952-6678 for a Free Consultation about our website optimization or website design services.

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SEO Analysis

Drive Targeted Traffic To Your Website!

ProBoostGold's Expert Website Optimization Services makes it easy for you to concentrate on your Internet Business without having to worry about your website's performance on search engines. We deliver guaranteed results, ensuring 100% client satisfaction.

We offer only the best resources and services to achieve top search engine listings for your website! Check back to our Resources page often to see what new and exciting applications are in store for you!

Get a Free Analysis from a Design Expert:

Please complete the form below
or call 1-877-952-6678


* Email required.

Search Engine Submission & Promotion

ProBoostGold has developed a highly-efficient submission technology to make sure your key pages are included in hundreds of International, Regional, Community, and Content-Specific Search Engines. The use of our proprietary submission software, combined with the knowledgeable manpower to manually hand-submit your URLs to all the important search engines and directories, can assure you that your site's inclusion process is being handled in the most efficient and professional manner possible.

We guarantee the results you deserve!

 search engine marketing

Search Engine Industry Statistics:

  • More people find sites via search engines than any other method with more than 90 percent of surfers using search engines as the primary means to traverse the web

  • People who spend five or more hours a week online average an astounding 81% of their time searching for information

  • The top 10 search engines have 147,000,000 unique visitors each month, a number that jumps over 10 percent every month

  • Searching is the second most popular online activity after e-mail. Every day, 57 percent of all Internet users use a search engine

  • Over 43% of people who bought online found the site via a search engine

  • 66% of online marketers mention using search engine positioning as a way to drive traffic to their sites

  • 50% of Web users spend 70% or more of their time searching online, and 70% of those surveyed know specifically what they're looking for when they use a search engine

  • Consumers are 5 times more likely to purchase goods or services as a result of finding a site through a search engine listing rather than a banner advertisement

  • 90% of Web users find Web sites through search engines, confirming that good positioning in search engines produces major results