To find hotels with Hotels For All you can search for
hotels by city or town, this will list all accommodation
available in the specified location.
Search Tips
Words to avoid - Do not use words such as 'Or', 'And'
and 'The'. These words will have no effect on the search.
Characters to avoid - Avoid characters such as commas,
brackets, ampersands, backslashes and any punctuation
marks. These characters will have no effect on the search.
Spelling - Always double-check for misspellings or
typos. If you are unsure of the spelling of a town or
city name, just type in part of the name you know the
spelling for and Hotels For All will list all town and
city names that contains the string you typed.
Non unique names - Not all towns and cities in a Country
have a unique name. If your search matches more than
one town or city, Hotels For All will display all matching
names for you to choose the one you want.